Presentation director

Studying drama and media equipped Troy Hart for the fast-paced world of live sports directing.

Key facts

Career: Presentation director
Programme: Bachelor of Arts
Subjects: Drama and Media, Film and Television

"I am a presentation director for Sky Television. I work on the sports side and basically I am in control of how sport is put onto your television screens.

"With live sport, I speak via a communication panel to the outside broadcast truck which is at the event. I am in charge of rolling the commercial breaks, putting up graphics and sponsorship and generally keeping an eye on the time that we have to get through everything.

"One of the main jobs of a presentation director is to be on hand and ready to step in when things go wrong, and making it look invisible to the viewer.

"Communication is a big part of my job. We work second to second, so I have to be able to communicate with multiple different parties at the same time and be able to get information across quickly and clearly. When things go wrong, you have no time to mess about and quick decisions have to be made.

"Drama has given me the confidence to make split second decisions, and back myself on them.

"The first year in Arts can be a little daunting with the number of people in the lectures and the amount of information you have to get your head around. Slow everything down, take a look around, and then get into it.

"It is by far the most exciting faculty. Let your creativity shine!"