
Nina Susilo's postgraduate studies in Arts expanded her horizons and enriched her as a writer and journalist.

Nina Susilo

Key facts

Career: Journalist
Programme: Master of Public Policy
Subjects: Media, Film and Television; Public Policy

"I am a journalist for the Indonesian daily newspaper Kompas, covering issues of national politics and public policy. The best part of my job is being able to contribute to building and maintaining a good governance system in Indonesia.

"I studied at the University of Auckland for two years. My study in Media, Film and Television and Public Policy gave me a wider perspective about a lot of things such as human rights, policy analysis, and the relationship between the media and politics.

"I enjoyed the learning process since most of the lecturers in the Faculty of Arts encouraged the students to develop themselves.

"The coursework that I undertook for my Arts qualifications developed my critical thinking and analytical skills, which has enriched me as a writer and journalist — and can do the same for other students who intend to become journalists."