Freya BA in Art history and English has helped her develop the necessary skills in her role as an Image Orders Technician.
Freya's story
Haya's BA in Communication gave her the tools to help grow her business.
Haya's story
George's Arts degree set him up for a strong start as a professional communicator.
George's story
Linguistics and English graduate Ellie Greenly works at Microsoft and is passionate about bringing Arts and technology together.
Ellie's story
Hector's Master of Arts in Māori Studies gave him the tools to prosper in the information age.
Hector's story
Phoebe talks about her role as a Caption Producer at Able, and what she loves about working in the media accessibility industry.
Phoebe's story
A Master of Arts in Criminology allowed Natasha Sharan to bring about real-world change in her role.
Natasha's story
Edward's study gave him crucial skills in lateral thinking and analysis for his role as senior specialist in Māori heritage at Auckland Council.
Edward's story
Tayla Marlow's Arts degree helped her discover her passion for TV production.
Tayla's story