Kāren Baird - Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary)

While working at KingsWay School in Red Beach, Auckland, Kāren decided to explore the Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary) Programme.

Kāren Baird
Kāren Baird

Kāren Baird studied business and completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Waipapa Taumata Rau the University of Auckland.

She enjoyed working in people-focused roles in various companies for many years. She also did voluntary work with primary aged children at a local church.

Recently Kāren worked in a senior management support role at KingsWay School in Red Beach, Auckland. It was here that she was inspired to take the leap into teaching and invest in making a difference with the next generation.

In exploring a one-year graduate teaching course, the Graduate
Diploma in Teaching (Primary) Programme was an easy choice as the University of Auckland has a good international ranking and offers plenty of practicum classroom time, which is essential.

Kāren says that there have been several highlights in the programme so far.

“Ten weeks of practicum at a local school, being immersed in school life with supportive staff and building relationships with students, staff and other student teachers was a real stand out.

“There were numerous opportunities to observe teachers, get involved in school life and teach. This, combined with the excellent teaching from knowledgeable lecturers who are experienced teachers themselves has allowed me to flourish as a student teacher. Kāren also appreciated being able to do the course online as it made it achievable for her to study this year because of the flexibility to blend her studies with her family life and commitments.

“I set up my own organisation systems to help me achieve the level that I was aiming for.

“Being organised and having the support of my family plus supportive lecturers, teachers, and fellow students to ask questions of and learn from has been valuable and helped me to achieve the level of results I was aiming for, and also meant having some fun on the journey as well.

“I have also made sure to set aside time for the things that bring me joy and feed my soul.”

I am really proud of the relationships I have built with the intermediate students, my Associate Teacher, other teachers and student teachers, and also achieving the results I was aiming for in my studies and practicum.

“I didn’t quite appreciate how much the skills and experiences she had gained in the workforce and as a Mum would bring to the studies, practicums and becoming a teacher!

“As a graduate, you will have so much life experience and skills to bring to teaching and make a difference in the learning and lives of the ākonga.

“If you enjoy working with children, ask your local school if you can spend a bit of time in the school, as this will quickly clarify whether if it’s for you. If it is, get stuck into your studies and give it your all - the more you put in, the more you get out.

It is so rewarding getting to know the students and seeing their ‘aha!’ moments and breakthroughs is priceless!

Kāren recently started a placement at Marlborough Primary School in Glenfield, Auckland for two days a week until the end of Term 3. Then she will be back at the same school for five days a week, for seven weeks in Term 4.

She is looking forward to her career as a teacher and says: “I am a continual learner and I can’t wait for the next phase of learning as a beginner teacher and inputting into the lives of the students in my first class!”