Justin Alsleben - Master of Public Policy

Justin grew his passion for the improvement of policies that affect people’s lives while doing a Master of Public Policy in a tight-knit, supportive cohort.

Key facts

Programme: Master of Public Policy

"Postgraduate study wasn't something I ever considered, let alone aimed for, during or after high school. I thought it was only for an extraordinary group of people that I never saw myself as belonging to. People shouldn't feel like postgraduate study isn't for them just because they don't know other people who have done it, or because it wasn't a part of their life plan.

"My Summer Research Scholarship, based in the Public Policy Institute, helped me develop key research skills and confirmed my decision to enrol in the Master of Public Policy (MPP). As well as receiving valuable guidance from my supervisors, I learned from specialist librarians and got to hang out and share experiences with other Summer Scholars.

"It's exciting to be part of an MPP cohort, which comprises a diverse, tight-knit, friendly and welcoming group of people who all share a passion for public policy. We learn from expert teaching staff and our coursework has clear practical relevance for our future careers. We also get to hear from influential and exciting visiting academics and public officials.

"Over the course of the programme we get so many opportunities to work together, support and learn from each other and build friendships and future networks, and achieve the most from our degree that we can.

I think you really get an appreciation for the research that helps us to understand our world and seek to change it for the better.

"I felt that doing the MPP would help me to apply my existing knowledge and open the door to a career where I can contribute toward the improvement of the policies that affect people's lives.

"I would like to work at the heart of the policy analysis and advice-giving machinery of the public sector, getting to play a part in ensuring that the decisions which affect people's lives are well-informed and will result in positive outcomes.

"Doing a masters degree can sound daunting, but it really helps you to grow your passion, enhance your skills, and take your education to another, even more rewarding level."

Scholarships: University of Auckland Research Masters Scholarship; Summer Research Scholarship