Mehak Sehgal
Studying Communication has helped Mehak develop practical skills while allowing her creative freedom.
Key facts:
Programme: Bachelor of Communication
“I have always wanted to learn how interpersonal and mass communication affect our daily lives, and how important communication is in every sector of the world.
“In my study, I have focused particularly on how leaders communicate and how this affects and influences positions of leadership.
“One of my favourite papers was COMMS 100. We had to create videos about a topic we are passionate about, which developed my practical skills and allowed me to enjoy creative freedom.
“I also took a Philosophy course this semester and it has been so interesting to think about situations from different perspectives; it also helps me to navigate different situations in life.
I love how all my subjects are in line with what I want to do in the future.
"I would like to work in public relations or brand marketing. I think it would be quite cool and hands-on to work with different brands.
“I chose to study at Auckland as I had heard wonderful things about the different programmes, how amazing the professors are, and how a student is able to get the best education for their choice of degree.
“University is very welcoming and friendly! I have joined clubs, including the student association, so I can make friends with other students who are studying similar degrees.
“One club I am part of is the Marketing and Design Club, which has organised networking events with marketing experts – I really enjoyed those! Being a member of a club has also expanded my social circle with the other events they host.
“Managing university work is different to at school but I do find that I can balance my university workload with part-time work and still getting to hang out with my friends.
“I can be a bit of an overthinker and I did get quite stressed when I was at school but if I could tell my 18-year-old self anything it would be whatever has to happen will happen, so you don’t need to stress out so much!”