
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere. Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao.

Tino Rangatiratanga flag

The bird that partakes of the miro berry reigns in the forest. The bird that partakes in the power of knowledge has access to the world.

The Māori concept of rangatiratanga demonstrates the breadth and depth of Māori knowledge, practice and values.

Rangatiratanga, within a tertiary setting, speaks to the qualities and attributes of leadership forged through relationships, knowledge and practice. This in turn empowers both individuals and communities to ensure that there is collective benefit from learned and shared knowledge.

Rangatiratanga may be demonstrated by the quality of decision-making that is reflective of the social, environmental, spiritual and material needs of communities.

Rangatiratanga recognises and is inclusive of many forms of leadership that will enhance old and develop new practices to serve current and future generations.