Public Policy

Enhance your leadership skills and grow your knowledge of the public sector.

The knowledge and skills you will develop

This module provides a foundation in the core principles, concepts and methods of public policy, and introduces some of the skills and tools needed to solve policy problems and to make a positive impact on contemporary society.

You can develop your understanding of how governments and civil society engage with the growing number of complex social and economic challenges facing New Zealand and the world. Recent global crises highlight the need for an interdisciplinary approach to addressing many policy issues.

How this module can be useful in your career

Studying public policy can develop your potential for leadership in the public sector. It will augment careers that touch on public policy, local or national government, non-governmental organisations and the private sector by building your expertise in the core principles, concepts and methods of public policy research and analysis, and will develop your skills in solving public policy problems.

The courses you can take

You must complete three of the courses listed below (45 points), including POLITICS 222 and at least one of the following ECON 151, ECON 152 or POLITICS 107. Each course is worth 15 points.

Before you can enrol in a Stage II course you need to have passed the prerequisite course/s for enrolment in that course.

Stage I courses

ECON 151
Understanding the Global Economy

ECON 152
Principles of Economics

New Zealand Politics

Stage II courses

ECON 242
International Trade

Public Policy: Actors, Processes and Politics

POLITICS 229 (not taught in 2025)
Mana Māori Motuhake | Māori Politics and Public Policy