Certificate of Proficiency

Try a subject you’re interested in by taking one or two courses without committing to a full programme.

Programme structure

A Certificate of Proficiency provides you with the opportunity to:

  • Supplement your current knowledge before proceeding to advanced study
  • Undertake a small number of courses in specific areas of interest without enrolling in a formal qualification. It is also an option if you want to study just one or two courses.

A Certificate of Proficiency is open to anyone who meets the required entry requirements.

Pathway to postgraduate studies

A Certificate of Proficiency (COP) is one way you can take courses to bridge the gap between undergraduate and postgraduate study. A Certificate of Proficiency may be ideal for you if you wish to progress to graduate study but would like to take preparation courses first. 

You can apply to reassign courses completed for a Certificate of Proficiency to a taught postgraduate programme should you wish to progress your study in a particular area and the courses are appropriate.

COP courses cannot be reassigned into research masters degrees, and there are point limits and time limits for reassigning COPs into other postgraduate programmes. Any reassignments are subject to approval.

What can I study?

Any subjects may be taken for a Certificate of Proficiency provided that there are unfilled places in the course and any prerequisite, corequisite or other conditions are met. If you wish to take a combination of courses in different disciplines, this programme might be suitable for you. 

You should consult Student Hubs first to check which courses and combinations of courses can be taken as part of your Certificate of Proficiency.

For more details on entry requirements and fees, refer to the COP programme page.  

Call us

For general questions about courses, programmes, or life at the University, you can call our contact centre:

  • Auckland: (09) 923 5025
  • Outside Auckland: 0800 61 62 63
  • International: +64 9 373 7513

Calling hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm (NZT).

Contact us
