Education (Literacy Education)

To avoid delays in completing your programme and incurring unnecessary cost, you must follow the Enrolment Guide below.

For more course information, please visit Digital Course Outline and Course Catalogue.  

Postgraduate Diploma in Education – Literacy Education


Semester 1 2025
(60 points)
 Couse Code  Course Name (Points)
Choose 60 points from the following courses:  
EDPROFST 705 Literacy Theory and Practice (30 points)
EDCURRIC 722 Teacher Leadership for Learning Equity (30
Language Learning Needs (15 points)
EDPROF 722A* Language Focused Curriculum (15 points)
Semester 2 2025
(60 points)
 Couse Code  Course Name (Points)
Choose 60 points from the following courses:  
Leading Literacy and Language Inquiries (30 points)
EDPROFST 707 Children's Literature in Education (30 points)
EDPROF 705B* Language Learning Needs (15 points)
EDPROF 722B* Language Focused Curriculum (15 points)
EDPROF 707 Bilingual Education (30 points)


Semester 1 2025 (30 points)  
Couse Code Course Name (Points)
Choose 30 points from the following courses:
EDPROFST 705 Literacy Theory and Practice (30 points)
EDCURRIC 722 Teacher Leadership for Learning Equity (30 points)
EDPROF 705A* Language Learning Needs (15 points)
EDPROF 722A* Language Focused Curriculum (15 points)
Semester 2 2025 (30 points)  
 Couse Code
Course Name (Points)
Choose 30 points from the following courses:  
EDPROFST 703 Leading Literacy and Language Inquiries (30 points)
EDPROFST 707 Children's Literature in Education (30 points)
EDPROF 705B* Language Learning Needs (15 points)
EDPROF 722B* Language Focused Curriculum (15 points)
EDPROF 707 Bilingual Education (30 points)

*EDPROF 705A & EDPROF 722A are prerequisites for EDPROF 705B & EDPROF 722B.   

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