
Knowledge and education publications by KERU members.


  • Lourie, M. and McPhail, G. (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. Springer.
  • Morgan, J. (2019). Culture and the political economy of schooling: what’s left for education? London: Routledge.
  • Barrett, B., Hoadley, U. & J. Morgan, (Eds.), (2018). Knowledge, curriculum and equity: Social realist perspectives. London: Routledge.
  • McPhail, G., V. Thorpe. V., & Wise, S. (2018). Educational change and the secondary school music curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand. London & New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Barrett, B. & Rata, E. (2014). (Eds.), Knowledge and the future of the curriculum: International studies in social realism. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Rata, E. (2012). The politics of knowledge in education. London & New York: Routledge.

Journal articles

  • Lourie, M. (2020) Recontextualising 21st century learning in New Zealand education policy: The reframing of knowledge, skills and competencies. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies.
  • McPhail, G & McNeill, J. (2021) Music education and the neoliberal turn in Aotearoa New Zealand, Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education.
  • McNeill, J., & McPhail, G. (2020). One Direction: Strategic challenges for twenty-first century secondary school music. Music Education Research. doi:10.1080/14613808.2020.1796952
  • McPhail, G. (2020). The search for deep learning: a curriculum coherence model. Journal of Curriculum Studies. doi:10.1080/00220272.2020.1748231
  • McPhail, G. (2020). Twenty-First Century Learning and the Case for More Knowledge About Knowledge. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. doi:10.1007/s40841-020-00172-2
  • McPhail, G. (2020). The search for deep learning: a curriculum coherence model. Journal of Curriculum Studies. doi:10.1080/00220272.2020.1748231
  • McPhail, G. (2020). Twenty-First Century Learning and the Case for More Knowledge About Knowledge. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. doi:10.1007/s40841-020-00172-2
  • Pountney, R., & McPhail, G. (2019). Crossing boundaries: Exploring the theory, practice and possibility of a 'Future 3' curriculum. British Educational Research Journal, 45(3), 483-501. doi:10.1002/berj.3508
  • McPhail, G., & Rata, E. (2019). The knowledge democracy connection and music education. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 27(2), 112-132. doi:10.2979/philmusieducrevi.27.2.02
  • Ormond, B. M. (2020). Historical Context in Secondary Education. Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. DOI: 10.5040/9781350996526.0001
  • Rata, E. (2021). The Curriculum Design Coherence Model in the Knowledge-Rich School Project. Review of Education. DOI: 10.1002/rev3.3254
  • Rata, E. (2021) Context and Implications Document for The Curriculum Design Coherence Model in the Knowledge-Rich School Project. Review of Education. DOI: 10.1002/rev3.3253

Book chapters 

  • Lourie, M. (2021). Subject knowledge in education policy. In Lourie, M. and McPhail, G. (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. Springer.
  • Morgan, J. (2020). The prospects for knowledge socialism in one country. In: M. A.Peters, T. Besley, P. Jandrić, X. Zhu (eds.) Knowledge socialism: the rise of peer production: collegiality, collaboration and peer production. Springer.
  • Morgan, J. (2021) Why we still need a political theory of the curriculum. In: Lourie, M. and McPhail, G. (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. Springer.
  • McPhail, G. (2020a). Curriculum Integration in Flexible Learning Environments, Challenges for Teachers, and Teacher Education. In M. A. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Teacher Education (pp. 6) Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-1179-6_369-1
  • McPhail, G. (2021). Approaches to teaching for achieving equitable outcomes. In Lourie, M. and McPhail, G. (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. Springer.
  • Ormond, B. (2021). Knowledge marginalisation in curriculum and practice: Walking the tightrope between curricula freedom and accountability. In M. Lourie & G. McPhail (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. Springer.
  • Rata, E. (2020). The History of an Intellectual Dispute at Auckland’s School of Education. In Bonal, X., Coxon, E., Novelli, M. Amd V.P. Toni. Roger Dale Festschrift. Springer.
  • Rata E., McPhail G. (2020) Teacher Professional Development, the Knowledge-Rich School Project and the Curriculum Design Coherence Model. In: Fox J., Alexander C., Aspland T. (eds) Teacher Education in Globalised Times. Springer.
  • Rata, E. (2021). Foreword. In Lourie, M. and McPhail, G. (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. Springer.
  • Rata, E. (2021). Powerful knowledge and a progressive subject curriculum. In Lourie, M. and McPhail, G. (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. (pp. 14-23). Springer.
  • Rata, E. (2021). Curriculum Coherence and the CDC Model: a History example. In Lourie, M. and McPhail, G. (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. (pp. 37-51). Springer.
  • Rata, E. M. (2020). Academic Knowledge and Democracy. Education in Democratic Societies, Vol. II, Edited by Prakash Iyer. Proceedings of the International Conferences in Philosophy of Education, 2013-2017. CinnamonTeal Design and Publishing and Azim Premji University, Bangalore, India.
  • Siteine, A. (2021). Knowledge and student identity. In M. Lourie & G. McPhail (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. Springer.
  • Tamati, T. (2021). The TAP/CDC combination for bi/multilingual students to acquire the academic language required for subject knowledge. In M. Lourie & G. McPhail (Eds.) Perspectives on the knowledge problem in New Zealand education: Towards equity. Springer.
  • Morgan, J. (2019). Culture and the political economy of schooling: what’s left for education? London: Routledge.
  • Tamati, S. T. (2019). TransAcquisition pedagogy with emergent bilinguals in indigenous and minority groups for cultural and linguistic sustainability. In C. Seals & V. Olsen-Reeder (Eds.), Embracing multilingualism across educational contexts. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Lourie, M. (2020). Recontextualising 21st century learning in New Zealand education policy: the reframing of knowledge, skills and competencies. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies.
  • Rata, E. (2019). Knowledge-Rich Teaching: A Model of Curriculum Design Coherence, British Educational Research Journal. Vol. 45 Issue 4, p. 681-697.
  • McPhail, G., Rata, E., & Siteine, A. (2018). The Changing Nature of Music Education. In G. McPhail, V. Thorpe & S. Wise, Educational change and the secondary school music curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 74-91). London & New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • McPhail, G. (2018). The future just happened: lessons for twenty-first century learning from the secondary school music classroom. In G. McPhail, V. Thorpe, & S. Wise, S., Educational change and the secondary school music curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand (27-41). London & New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • McPhail, G. (2018). Music teachers talking: views on secondary school curriculum content. In G. McPhail, V. Thorpe, & S. Wise, S., Educational change and the secondary school music curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand (131-147). London & New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • McPhail, G. (2017). Rethinking what it means to be a teacher through a mixed modality approach. In J. Tetnabe & C. Mutch, Understanding enduring ideas in education: A response to those who 'just want to be a teacher' (pp. 82-94). Wellington: NZCER.
  • McPhail, G & Rata, E. (2017). A Theoretical Model of Curriculum Design: ‘Powerful Knowledge’ and ‘21st Century Learning’. In B. Barrett, U. Hoadley, and J. Morgan, (Eds.), Knowledge, Curriculum and Equity: Social Realist Perspectives (pp. 63-79). London: Routledge.
  • Ormond, B.M. (2017). Curriculum decisions - the challenges of teacher autonomy over knowledge selection for history. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 49:5, 599-619.
  • Siteine, A. (2017). Recognising ethnic identity in the classroom: A New Zealand study. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 26(4), 393-407.
  • McPhail, G. (2016). The fault lines of recontextualisation: the limits of constructivism in education. British Journal of Educational Research, 42(2), 294–313.
  • McPhail, G. (2014). Pathways to powerful knowledge: A case for Music’s voice. In E. Rata & B. Barrett (Eds.), Knowledge and the Future of the Curriculum: International Studies in Social Realism (pp. 123 -135). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ormond, B. M. (2018). Conceptions of knowledge in history teaching. In B. Barrett, U. Hoadley, J. Morgan (Eds.) Knowledge, curriculum and equity: Social realist perspectives (pp. 102-116). New York: Routledge.
  • Ormond, B., & Morgan, J. (2015). A history curriculum for New Zealand in the 21st century. In J. Morgan (Ed.) The 21st Century Curriculum? (pp. 152-161). Auckland: Edify Ltd.
  • Ormond, B. M. (2014). Powerful knowledge in History: Disciplinary strength or weakened episteme? In B. Barrett, E. Rata (Eds.) Knowledge and the future of the curriculum: International studies in social realism (pp. 153-166). Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Rata, E. (2018), ‘A Durkheimian Approach to Knowledge and Democracy’ David Guile, David Lambert and Michael Reiss (Eds.), In. sociology, Curriculum Studies and Professional Knowledge: New Perspectives on the work of Michael Young. (pp. 73-83). London & New York: Routledge. Chapter 5. ISBN: 978-1-138-67583-4 (hbk)
  • Rata, E. (2018) Connecting Knowledge to Democracy In Knowledge, curriculum and equity: Social realist perspectives. In Barrett, B., Hoadley, U. & J. Morgan, (Eds.), Routledge. (pp. 19-32); London: Routledge.
  • McPhail, G. & Rata, E. (2018). A theoretical model of curriculum design: ‘Powerful Knowledge’ and ‘21st Century Learning’. Knowledge, curriculum and equity: Social realist perspectives. Chapter 6. edited by Brian Barrett, Ursula Hoadley and John Morgan, Routledge publisher.
  • Rata, E. (2017) Ethnic Revival. In Fathali M. Moghaddam Ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Siteine, A. (2017). Daring to know: The liberal tradition and education. In C. Mutch, & J. Tatebe (Eds.), Understanding enduring ideas in education: A response to those who 'just want to be a teacher' (pp. 67-81). Wellington, New Zealand: NZCER Press.
  • Tamati, S. T. (2011). The trans-acquisitional approach: A bridge to English in kura kaupapa Māori. Pacific-Asian Education, 23(1), 91–102.

PhD theses

  • Collis, Bill (2019) A Social Realist Case Study of Knowledge and Pedagogy in the First Two Years of Electrical Engineering Education. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Auckland.
  • Ormond, B. (2019). Knowledge in History Education: Teachers as Curriculum Makers. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Auckland.
  • Siteine, A. (2018). Knowledge, Identity and curriculum: A Sociological Study of Ethnicity in New Zealand Education. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Auckland.
  • Tamati, S. T. (2016). Transacquisition pedagogy for bilingual education: A study in kura kaupapa Māori. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Auckland.
  • Tamati, S. T. (2011). The trans-acquisitional approach: A bridge to English in kura kaupapa Māori. Pacific-Asian Education, 23(1), 91–102.

Media articles

Graham McPhail


Elizabeth Rata

  • Rata, E. (2021). ‘What we are teaching our kids is ill-conceived’, Newsroom, 16 February 
  • Rata, E, (2020) NZ history - what to teach? Newsroom, 7 July 2020
  • Rata, E. (2019). NZ History Curriculum a Trojan Horse, Newsroom, 17 September
  • Rata, E. (2019). Interview. Australian Teacher Magazine. 30 September 2019
    EducationHQ New Zealand
  • Rata, E. (2019). Abandoning Reason. Newsroom 23 April
  • Rata, E. (2019). Knowledge Blind Spot. Newsroom. 18 February
  • Rata, E. (2018). Closing Education’s Knowledge Gap. Newsroom, 15 August
  • Rata, E. (2018). The Basic Flaw in our Education System. Newsroom, 17 April
  • Rata, E. (2018). NCEA system gets learning the wrong way round. Newsroom. 5 July
  • Rata, E. Education Central, May 2018
  • Rata, E. Newsroom, April 2018
  • Rata, E. (2017). ‘Handicapped by Knowledge Blindspot’ NZ Herald, 7 December, A34.