Inclusive Higher Education

Recent Engagements

CAPRS actively engaged and presented in the following forums:

  • Migration Sumit: 11 April 2022
  • World Higher Education Conference: May 2022
  • Times Higher Education (THE) Digital Universities Week, MIT Boston: 11 May 2022
  • UNESCO World Higher Education Conference, Barcelona: 17-20 May 2022

Connecting and Equipping Refugees for Tertiary Education (CERTE) Bridge Course

CERTE provides bridge courses to aid adult refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia in accessing further education. CERTE focuses on the soft skills needed for further and higher educational success.

Further information related to CERTE can be found on the website.

Other useful links include:
CERTE 7 Closing Ceremony
CERTE 7 Closing Ceremony (Short Video)
CERTE 8 Closing Ceremony

Contact details related to CERTE:

News related to Inclusive Higher Education

Closing the Gap: Asia Education Update

Admissions scheme for refugees gives University of Auckland top 10 global ranking

Times Higher Education World Academic Summit, New York, USA (10-12
October 2022)