Advancing equity and social justice

Education research that advances equity is grounded in conceptions of social justice.

primary students

Advancing and interrogating issues of social justice requires ever-new and diverse ways of looking at complex educational problems and how they relate to inequalities in society.

Our research is multifaceted in theory and in practice. It traverses geographies and societies, examining local, national, international and global issues in education.

Advancing equity encompasses research engaged with philosophy and politics, knowledge, sexualities, gender, disabilities, public pedagogy, arts in communities, histories and archives.

Research in this vein includes ways of exploring how education, higher education and forms of public pedagogy can advance a more community-oriented, just, humane, diverse, liveable and sustainable society.

Professor Missy Morton
Professor Missy Morton

Missy joined the University of Auckland as Professor of Disability Studies and Inclusive Education in July 2017. She had previously been Professor and Head of School in the School of Educational Studies and Leadership at the University of Canterbury.

"My research interests include inclusive education, the sociology of special education, and disability studies in education.

"My recent projects and publications look at structures and practices that support teachers and schools to welcome all children, young people and their families and provide a quality education for all students.

"Curriculum, pedagogy and assessment that promote and support cultures of belonging are central to my research, teaching and leadership."

Areas of expertise:

  • Disability Studies in Education
  • Social constructions of discourses of difference
  • Sociocultural perspectives on curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
  • Qualitative and participatory research methodologies
  • Initial teacher education and professional learning for inclusive education
  • Sociology of special education

Other staff doing research within this theme

Dr Frances Kelly

Frances' research is primarily focused in the area of higher education, including the ways that the PhD is conceptualised beyond and within universities.

Professor Louisa Allen

Louisa specialises in research in the areas of sexualities, gender, young people and schooling and innovative research methodologies which seek to engage hard to reach research populations.  

Dr Molly Mullen

Molly's research examines the opportunities and constraints experienced by artists involved in creating socially committed theatre, drama and performance.  

Examples of masters and doctoral research within this theme

  • "Children's peer relationships in an inclusive primary school: Peer cultures assemblages" (Professor Missy Morton, supervisor).
  • "Becoming an inclusive educator: A rhizomatic inquiry into the process" (Dr Jennifer Tatebe and Professor Missy Morton, co-supervisors).
  • "Relations of care: NZ families caring for their dependent adult children with complex needs" (Professor Liz Beddoe and Professor Missy Morton, co-supervisors).
  • "We Chant Down Babylon: Reimagining Oceania through Critical Reggae Pedagogy" (Dr Molly Mullen, co-supervisor)
  • "Emerging as the Others of our Selves? Exploring applied theatre as Critical Multicultural Education in Post-Normal times" (Dr Molly Mullen, co-supervisor)
  • "Boys will be boys? Gendered bodies, spaces and dis/pleasures in Physical Education" (Professor Louisa Allen, supervisor)
  • "Telling our stories, making it real: Young bisexual women’s experiences in New Zealand Secondary Schools" (Professor Louisa Allen, supervisor)