Publications and media
Our researchers' published books, book chapters and journal articles, as well as engagement with the media.
Te Whakatere researchers have published books, book chapters and journal articles across a wide range of topics. Under its own name, Te Whakatere has published a book and series of videos on the experiences of schools and children in the Canterbury earthquakes.
- Mutch, C., & Gawith, L. (2014). The Canterbury Earthquakes: Stories from Cashmere Primary School. Auckland: Te Whakatere au Pāpori Research Unit.
- Mutch, C., & Yates, S. (2014). Christchurch schools tell their earthquake stories: Queenspark School [video recording]. Auckland: Te Whakatere au Pāpori Research Unit.
- Keeling, T., Mutch, C., & Hu, C. (2013). The earthquake experiences of Burwood School [video recording]. Auckland: Te Whakatere au Pāpori Research Unit.
Peer reviewed publications
- Mutch, C. (2015). “Quiet heroes”: Teachers and the Canterbury earthquakes. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies 19 (2) 77-86.
- Mutch, C., Yates, S., & Hu, C. (2015). Gently, gently: Undertaking participatory research with schools post-disaster. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement 8 (1) 79-99.
- Mutch, C., & Gawith, L. (2014). The role of schools in engaging children in emotional processing of disaster experiences. Pastoral Care In Education 32 (1) 54-67.
- Mutch, C. (2013). Citizenship in action: Young people’s responses to the Canterbury earthquakes. Sisyphus: Journal of Education 1 (2) 76-99.
- Mutch, C. (2013). “Sailing through a river of emotions”: Capturing children’s earthquake stories. Disaster Prevention and Management 22 (5) 445-455.
- Mutch, C. & Marlowe, J. (2013). Lessons from disaster: The power and place of story. Disaster Prevention and Management 22 (5) 385-394.
- Gibbs, L., Mutch, C., O’Connor, P., & MacDougall, C. (2013). Research with, by, for, and about children: Lessons from disaster contexts. Global Studies of Childhood. Special issue: Actualisation of children’s participation rights.
Media engagement
Te Whakatere researchers have had their work highlighted on radio, television, in newspapers and magazines and on the web.
- The Civics and Media Project (27 October 2015): ‘Future focus’ conversation between broadcaster John Campbell and five students from intermediate schools in Auckland about their expectations for civil society in 2030. Carol Mutch was the plenary chair and breakout facilitator for the Education Workshop later in the day.
- Refugee seminar with Jay Marlowe (9 September 2015): ‘The refugee crisis in Europe: Emotion, inertia and xenophobia’. Featured on University and Faculty webpages, Scoop website, interviews and excerpts played WTV (Chinese TV); Radio New Zealand, Radio Live and ZB News.
- Interviewed for North and South magazine: ‘The choice paradox’ (September issue, pp.31-37)
- Featured in Te Kuaka, Faculty magazine and website (August 2015, pp. 7-8) and University magazine & website: ‘From Research to Gallipoli’.
- Front page item: “Learning from the past’; Auckland Harbour City News & Central Leader (April 22, 2015)
- The North Canterbury News: ‘Kaiapoi mosaic looks to the future’ (10 April 10 2014)
- Northern Outlook: ‘Push to complete earthquake story’ (28 January 2014)
- Interviewed for: The Press: ‘Quake stress hurting our young’ (1 February 2014)
- Featured in Te Kuaka, Faculty magazine: ‘Principals, staff and students tell their earthquake stories’
- Interviewed and broadcast on Radio New Zealand, Mediawatch: ‘The role of the media: The Canterbury earthquakes and Pike River’
- Interviewed live on TV One, Breakfast programme: ‘The role of the media: The Canterbury earthquakes and Pike River’ (14 August 2012)