Passions and practices in teaching for social justice
In Tuia ki Tawhiti 2024, Rod Philpot was invited to run a workshop titled “Exploring New Zealand Health and Physical Education (HPE) Teachers’ Perspectives, Passions and Practices in Teaching for Social Justice.”
Rod’s presentation began with a report on a study that investigated the perspectives and experiences of Health and Physical Education (HPE) teachers in New Zealand regarding the integration of social justice principles into their pedagogical practices. Data was gathered from an online survey completed by 122 HPE teachers from communities across New Zealand and a full range of school types.
Some of the key findings concern HPE teachers conceptions of social justice, key barriers and enablers experienced by teachers, key social justice issues faced by HPE teachers in schools, and a summary of teachers actions taken for social justice.
This is followed up with an overview of a HPE teacher-practitioner partnership that focuses on local solutions to equity, inclusion and the application of student voice in HPE classrooms. The session finishes with an introduction to PhysEquity, a website with a focus on equity, diversity and inclusion that is designed as a conduit to sharing resources, teaching strategies and research.
Based on his research, Rod also engaged PE teachers in several discussions around their practical experience of teaching. Such as “what enables and constrains you and your HPE department (in regard to teaching for equity and social justice)”.
Get in touch with Rod and check out PhysEquity if you want to know more about teaching for social justice!