The First Years Ngā Tau Tuatahi
The First Years Ngā Tau Tuatahi is a professional journal for people involved and interested in the education and care of infants and toddlers.

New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education
The First Years Ngā Tau Tuatahi provides a forum for teachers, researchers, and others to reflect on their everyday realities and passions related to the care and education of very young children. The journal serves as a catalyst for debating practice, policy and pedagogy, both within Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally, presenting opportunities for readers to connect and engage in reciprocal exchanges in a globalised world. Its vision is to promote the status of infant and toddler educational provision and provide a key source of inspiration, for those who work with, and are interested in, infant and toddler education and care.
This journal is now an online only publication. Journal issues will be published on this page.
Editors Collective
Jennifer Boyd, Angel Chan, Maria Cooper, Louise Gorst, Kiri Gould, Helen Hedges, Justine O’Hara-Gregan, Shareen Sapsworth, Marek Tesar
External Editorial Team members
Jean Rockel (Honorary Editor), Sue Stover
Editorial Board
Sonja Arndt, Carmen Dalli, Sheila Degotardi, Ann Hatherly, Diti Hill, Joce Nuttall, Berenice Nyland, Valerie Podmore, Lesley Rameka, Jenny Ritchie, Jean Rockel, Mere Skerrett, Sue Stover, Jennifer Sumsion, Rita Walker, Jayne White, Pam Winter.
Peer Reviewed Journal
The First Years Ngā Tau Tuatahi is a peer reviewed journal, including two kinds of articles published—one quality assured by engagement with the editor and one quality assured through double blind-peer review by two reviewers. We welcome submissions of articles from researchers, academics, practitioners, and others interested in infant-toddler education and care. The editorial team may consider the provision of a mentor to offer support to new and emerging writers. The editors make the final decision regarding whether the manuscript is accepted for publication, before and after review, and may seek further advice from members of the editorial board.
Information for contributors
Please submit your contribution to the editors collective (
Copyright information
- The First Years Ngā Tau Tuatahi journal publication is subject to the copyright provisions of Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial) License.