Teaching awards
We are committed to excellence in teaching, and recognise this through our offering of annual academic staff awards.
Butland Teaching Awards
The Butland Teaching Awards celebrate excellence in teaching throughout the career of Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences academics. Nominated by staff and students, the awards recognise Early Career Excellence in Teaching, Innovation in Teaching, Sustained Teaching Excellence, Leadership in Teaching, and Excellence in Research Supervision.
Butland Award for Sustained Teaching Excellence. Size: 187.2 kB.
Document Description: The Butland Award for Sustained Teaching Excellence recognises and rewards a long-term, consistent or broad contribution to teaching excellence at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.
Butland Clinical Teacher Awards
The Butland Clinical Teacher Awards recognise clinicians who give their time to assist in the education of health professionals. These awards are for individual clinical teachers who are judged by staff and students to have made an outstanding contribution to Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Optometry, Medical Imaging, Nutrition and Dietetics, or Audiology by virtue of their qualities as role models and their contribution to the relationship between the health professions and the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. Until 2023 these awards were known as the Dennis Pickup Clinical Educator Awards, in recognition of the contribution to clinical education by Mr Dennis Pickup, a former CEO of Auckland Healthcare.
Both the Butland Teaching Awards and Butland Clinical Teacher Awards are made possible through the generosity of the Butland Medical Foundation.
Making nominations
Past and present students are able to make nominations for the awards for academic staff by downloading and completing the relevant PDF.
Nominations will re-open in 2025.
Dorina Antonio
Executive Assistant
Email: dorina.antonio@auckland.ac.nz