Administration process for masters research projects (120 points only)
The processes detailed below are for students with a main supervisor in School of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Liggins Institute or School of Biological Sciences enrolling in:
- MBiomedSc
- MSc in Physiology or Pharmacology
- MHSc
Before your enrolment can be approved, you will be required to have identified a thesis research topic and to have come to an agreement with an academic staff member about supervision of your thesis research.
- Find a project.
- If you are student applying from outside of the University of Auckland, visit our supervisors' Discovery profiles to see which projects are on offer.
- If you are a returning University of Auckland Student, you can either contact an academic whose research or teaching area is of interest to you, or continue to work with the academic staff member you met through either MEDSCI 744 or MEDSCI 701.
- If you are student applying from outside of the University of Auckland, visit our supervisors' Discovery profiles to see which projects are on offer.
- When you meet the supervisor, take your academic record and your CV.
- Apply for admission in the appropriate programme (minimum GPA/GPE 5).
- The student and supervisor should then prepare together a masters project proposal form (see below) and submit this to the School of Medical Sciences Masters Advisory Commitee.
- Once the project is officially approved you can enrol in the programme.
A mid-year progress report will also be sent to you at the halfway point of your research.
Completed and signed Masters Project Proposals should be submitted to:
Mrs Virginia Moraes
Group Services Coordinator
Phone: +64 (0) 9 923 4655
For further information about Project Proposals please contact:
Deborah Young
Associate Professor Pharmacology and Postgraduate Director
Phone: +64 93737599 Ext. 84491
Deadlines for submission of the proposal and progress report are:
- Semester 1 enrolment: proposal due 31 January*
- Semester 2 enrolment: proposal due 15 June*
- December enrolment: proposal due 31 October*
* Any difficulties meeting this deadline please contact Virginia Moraes
Masters thesis submission
On or before the due date, a digital copy of the thesis or research portfolio must be emailed to Printed copies are no longer required.
For a detailed guide to Masters thesis submission, please consult the Guide to Theses and Dissertations.
Deadlines for submission are as follows:
- Semester 1 enrolment: 28 February
- Semester 2 enrolment: 15 July
- December enrolment: 30 November
The examination process for masters thesis and research portfolios is managed at Faculty level. Students will be sent the substantive comments that their examiners have made, and thesis candidates will be able to make minor corrections to their work before depositing into ResearchSpace with the University Library.
If you have questions regarding the submission process, please Contact Us or visit your nearest Student Hub.