Darren Svirskis
Darren is a pharmacist, researcher and an Associate Professor at the University of Auckland. He collaborated with artist and photographer Richard Parry to create a white coat that reflected his current research on spinal cord injuries.

About Darren
I’m the research director at the University of Auckland's School of Pharmacy. I do my own research, and support others doing theirs. I help create new medicines and treatments to solve problems. We are currently looking at slow-release pain relief for after surgery care. We are also looking to develop a bioelectric implant to treat spinal cord injuries.
Working at the University, I get to watch people grow and develop which is so rewarding. Every day is different. That’s why I love it. From research, to project management problems, to teaching, I never have one day the same. People don’t think being creative and science go together. They’re always surprised at how creative my role is. If you think about it, science can’t move ahead without creativity.
There are so many paths pharmacy can open for your future. It’s a very satisfying career in that you are helping people.
Studying Pharmacy at the University of Auckland opened up new avenues for me. Because you are something of a generalist, you understand many areas and you can interact with so many different people. There are so many paths pharmacy can open for your future. It’s a very satisfying career in that you are helping people.
Working as a pharmacy researcher has helped me realise that everything is connected. Sometimes you need to walk away from a problem, think and reflect and come back to it to it. That’s when the creative solutions pop into my head. It’s about having that space to think creatively.
Richard's approach
The focal point of Darren’s coat design is his ground-breaking work for long-term spinal pain relief. This is visualised by the bioelectric implant seen on the back, and also repeated on the hem. The microscope represents Darren’s investigative researcher mind, while the coat’s patterned texture draws from the Polypyrrole chemical structure so fundamental to his career.