Contact us

Taiwhanga Ako Hauora - Learning and Teaching Unit staff and contact details.

Our team has expertise in educational design and development of courses and resources.

We support the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences with their teaching and learning needs by working with staff to build pedagogical understanding and knowledge and develop their ability to use technologies to enhance teaching and learning.

We provide research based support and work to enable staff to make appropriate choices in using technologies that will improve teaching and learning experiences. To this end, we work in terms of a distributed learning model that makes use of a variety of delivery formats and mediums - print, digital, online, and traditional face to face delivery methods that help students to learn.

Contact person

Dr John Egan
Manupiri Whakaako, Ako | Manutaki - Taiwhanga Ako Hauora  

Associate Dean - Learning and Teaching | Director - Learning and Teaching Unit
Phone: +64 (0) 21 475 968

Our people

Pauline Cooper-Ioelu
Senior Tutor
Mobile: +64 (0) 27 839 5570

Emma Sadera
Professional Teaching Fellow
Mobile: +64 (0) 27 549 8925

Dr Gülay Dalgic
Professional Teaching Fellow
Mobile: +64 (0) 27 500 1519

Physical address

Learning and Teaching Unit
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Room 102, Building 505 (Deanery)
85 Park Road
Auckland 1023

Mailing address

Learning and Teaching Unit
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142