Equity Month 2024
This November we are celebrating the mahi we do around equity and diversity in our faculty.

Throughout the month of November, we will be hosting a range of events to celebrate Equity in FMHS, including lectures, kōrero, social events and training opportunities.
Hidden Disabilities Sunflower training
When: 9-11am, Monday 4 November
Where: Room 503-024, 85 Park Road, Auckland 1023
Student Disability Services has recently joined the sunflower support network, and now we are rolling out a training programme to help staff to recognise what the sunflower means, and how we can support people who identify as having a hidden disability at Waipapa Taumata Rau. The primary focus of the training is to build awareness of what this initiative is, and to build a network of support people who understand how support services are accessed within The University of Auckland.
Importantly we are not asking staff to take on additional responsibilities in support for sunflower wearers, rather this is about increasing awareness of and confidence in using and referring to the services which already exist. We also aim to create a culture of inclusion and visibility where staff and students feel safe and supported in disclosing disabilities. This is with the hopes that members of our community feel comfortable and confident in asking for support.
Staff members who have completed the training can be identified via displaying of the white ‘supporter’ lanyard, badge, or wrist band. These items can be obtained upon completion of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower training.
Rainbow 101
When: 10-11.30am, Wednesday 6 November
Where: 503-020, 85 Park Road, Auckland 1023, Auckland 1023
Want to be a better ally to our rainbow communities? Looking to expand what you know about our LGBTQIATakatāpui whānau? Come along to get a 101 on all things rainbow, covering key concepts around identity, as well as how to be an active ally for our rainbow communities.
Facilitated by Ricky Dewstow (they/he) Kaimahi Taumatua mō te Hunga Āniwaniwa | Rainbow Support Adviser
Celebration of MAPAS
When: 1-2.30pm, Thursday 7 November
Where: Grafton Quad, outside the main entrance to Building 505
The MAPAS program (Māori and Pacific Admissions Scheme) has been part of The University of Auckland since 1972 (50 + years), guiding and supporting our future Māori and Pacific health workforce through tertiary study over five decades!
Join us for an afternoon celebrating the value, significance and mana that this programme has for our Māori and Pacific communities, the University of Auckland and the wider health sector.
We will be hearing from our Faculty leaders and our past and present MAPAS students. A short series of talks will be followed by kai and music from Māori and Pacific musicians, including Tigilau Ness from Unity Pacific and The Four Fathers.
So come along, enjoy some sunshine, music and korero and show your support for our MAPAS program!
Education: The Equalizer
When: 2-3pm, Wednesday 13 November
Where: 503-020, 85 Park Road Auckland, Auckland 1023
Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM is a doctor, lawyer, disability advocate, and researcher. Dinesh works in the emergency department at the Gold Coast University Hospital. He is a researcher and senior lecturer at Griffith University and assistant professor at Bond University. Dinesh is a researcher in spinal cord injury, co-leading the BioSpine research team. He is a doctor for the Gold Coast Titans physical disability rugby team, a senior advisor to the Australian Disability Royal Commission, an ambassador to the Human Rights Commission’s Includeability program, and is a founding member of Doctors with Disabilities Australia.
Dinesh was the first quadriplegic medical intern in Queensland. In this keynote discussion, Dinesh will share his reflections from his experiences, in particular around disability in medical and health science education and in healthcare systems, followed by an opportunity for questions and a shared korero.
An option to attend online is available when you register.
The lived experiences of people with invisible/hidden disabilities
When: 11am-12.30pm, Wednesday 13 November
Where: Seminar room 507-G100, 85 Park Road Grafton Auckland, Auckland 1023
Join us for an interactive panel discussion followed by a Q&A session to explore the lived experiences of people with Hidden/Invisible Disabilities. We will discuss what Hidden Disabilities are, what it means to navigate life with a Hidden Disability, the challenges people face and effective strategies we can take to enhance student and staff experiences of learning, teaching and working in FMHS.
There are two items in our programme that are centred around Hidden Disabilities. The first is professional training, teaching staff how to recognise and aid students wearing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyard and what this initiative means. The second is a panel discussion centring the voices of staff and students with lived experience of Hidden/Invisible Disabilities and will be a chance for attendees to ask the panel questions of their own. The two sessions will have some overlap, but will be mostly different information and discussion, so will both be of interest to anyone wanting to learn more about this topic.
UDOIT accessibility workshop
When: 10-11.30am, Thursday 14 November
Where: Seminar room LG004 in Building 507, 85 Park Road, Auckland 1023
Join us for a 90-minute workshop exploring teaching technologies to support accessibility. The workshop will involve an introduction to the UDOIT Advantage tool with time for audience Q&A and hands-on activities.
The UDOIT tool supports Canvas page design for inclusive learning and improved accessibility. You will need to bring your own laptop and have edit-level permissions to a Canvas course for the purposes of the hands-on work. A sandpit Canvas course option is available for staff who do not yet have edit-level permissions to Canvas.
Speakers/facilitators: Steve Leichtweis
NZ Sign Language Workshop
When: 2-4pm, Monday 18 November
Where: 501-010, 85 Park Rd, Auckland 1023
We believe in raising awareness about the consideration for Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. How can we be part of a culture that allows everyone, including those with different communication needs, to feel more included and be considered? For the month of equity, we have organised a workshop to embrace Te Reo Rotarota (New Zealand Sign Language, NZSL), one of the official languages. NZSL is one of the official languages in New Zealand. We have invited Ms Monica Leach (Sign West) to provide us with a two-hour interactive workshop on NZSL and Deaf culture. This will be a wonderful opportunity to get a start on learning.
ReoSpace tour and panel discussion
When: 1-2pm, Wednesday 27 November
Where: Level 1, Te Herenga Mātauranga Whānui | General Library, City Campus
Join Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services kaimahi (staff) for a tour of our Māori and Pacific Collaborative Spaces and ReoSpace.Learn about how ReoSpace supports the revitalisation of te reo Māori and how kaimahi and tauira (students) can engage with this space.
Participate in a talanoa discussion exploring the creation of Indigenous spaces within Te Tumu Herenga | Library and Learning Services and what support services are available to our Māori and Pacific tauira. Come and enjoy the kōrero, kai and a kapu tī.
Taime Pasifika Cancer Support
When: 10.30am-12.30pm, Thursday 28 November
Where: 505-007, 85 Park Road Grafton Auckland, Auckland 1023
Join us to learn about the vital support and resources Taime Pasifika Cancer Support offers to Pasifika individuals and families navigating cancer. Discover how you can help empower our community and raise awareness.
We will begin with a morning tea, followed by a presentation at 11am and a networking event.
Healthcare provision for the Deaf community
When: 12-1pm, Thursday 28 November
Where: 501-010, 85 Park Rd Auckland, 1023
Wil Shen is a hospital pharmacist who qualified as a New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) interpreter in 2023. New Zealand Sign Language is one of the official languages of Aotearoa New Zealand. Wil’s presentation will provide attendees with an overview of the history of oppression faced by the Deaf community and how it has affected health literacy and health outcomes in this population. He will also share advice on how to get the most out of interpreters in the clinical setting, the services available to health professionals to communicate with Deaf people, as well as some basic NZSL signs you can use in everyday life.
Closing the Gap: Strategies for Equitable Pay
When: 2-3.30pm, Thursday 5 December
Where: 503-020, 85 Park Road, Auckland 1023
Join us for an engaging panel discussion that shifts the focus from reports and statistics to actionable steps to closing the ethnic gender pay gap. Together, let’s develop practical, forward-thinking solutions that make an impact. Everyone’s contribution matters as we work towards closing the gap.
Cathy Stinear (Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity)
Warwick Bagg (Dean, FMHS)
Suzanne Acharya (Co-Chairperson, Women of Colour Network, Academic Engagement Adviser)
Want to access more resources on equity? Visit our Canvas page for more helpful resources and reading on equity in FMHS.