Emergency Ambulance Care in Out-Of-Hospital Deaths: Family Experiences

Researchers are conducting a study exploring the experiences of family members who are present during a community death, aiming to better understand how ambulance services can ensure support for families.

What's involved?

Participation involves an interview, either in person or via phone or Zoom. During the interview, you will be asked to share your story, as well as some questions about your experience, yourself and your loved one who has died.

Any identifying details will be kept confidential and you will be asked to sign consent forms and give permission to take part in the study.

You can take part as an individual or as a whānau group.

As thanks, you will be offered a $50 voucher for their time sharing their stories.

Eligibility criteria

We are looking for people who have experienced the death of a family member in the community where a New Zealand ambulance service responded.

Contact details

Call 0800 191 016, or contact the investigators below:

Student Investigator
Eillish Satchell
Email: Eillish.Satchell@auckland.ac.nz

Principal Investigator
Dr Natalie Anderson 
Email: na.anderson@auckland.ac.nz 

Further information

Approved by Auckland Health Research Ethics Committee on 3/4/24 for three years.

Reference number AH27360.