AWESSoM - maintaining independence throughout ageing

Are you keen to know how you are ageing? Do you feel you can’t quite do all the daily activities you used to in the last 12 months and would be interested to know if you could improve? We are keen to help you to discover this through the use of the LifeCurve™ App. We are testing the app to see if it has an impact in helping you maintain and improve healthy independent living and socialisation. Perhaps you have a parent/grandparent who might be keen to be part of our study.

Older people are the fastest growing age group and living well means being independent with activities of daily living and participating in family and whānau life. The AWESSoM (ageing well through eating, sleeping, socialising and mobility) study focusses on improving health and wellbeing for older people including oral and sleep health, socialisation and mobility.

The LifeCurve™ App slows disability through offering health and social programmes and resources directly to the person using the LifeCurve™ App. The study will assess the impact of the LifeCurve™ App and whether the App makes a difference to you as a way to encourage healthy behaviours through self-management strategies.

What's involved?

We are keen to learn more about how using the LifeCurve™ App improves health and wellbeing for the older person.

The LifeCurve™ app is free and easy to use. Using the LifeCurve™ app you can manage your hauora (health) and live independently for as long as you can. The LifeCurve™ app is based on research that uses 19 everyday activities to show you how well you are ageing. Receive simple advice to help you stay strong and independent.

To explore the impact of the LifeCurve we will measure any difference before and after use of the App through three interviews with you, before using the App, 6 months later at the beginning of using the App and again, 6 months after you have started to use the App, using a health assessment.

Eligibility criteria

You may be eligible for our study if you:

  • Live in Howick or Tauranga
  • Are at least 60 years old (if Māori or Pacific Islander)
  • Are at least 75 years old for all other ethnicities

This app is available to use on both Apple and Android devices and our research team will help you with to set this up on your device.

If you are keen to hear more, please contact us (see below) and we can assist you to find out if you meet other eligibility criteria.


There are three ways to contact us and regsiter:

  1. Register your interest by completing an online form.
  2. Phone 0800 222 848 (to leave a voicemail).
  3. Email us at with your contact details.

Registering your interest will not enrol you into the study, it is just a good way for us to know that you are interested to hear more about it. Your details are kept confidential and will only be seen by the research team. 

Approved by the Health and Disability Ethics Committee on 13/12/2021, reference number: 20/CEN/242