Clinical education in times of Covid-19: an international photo-elicitation study
In this international project we seek to understand and value the experiences of clinical health profession educators during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are particularly asking you, as a clinical educator, to share your personal experiences and perspectives about:
- How you experienced teaching during the pandemic
- How Covid-19 informed your teaching practices and perceptions of quality of teaching
- What your perspectives are on the implications of the pandemic for the future of clinical education
What's involved?
To participate, we invite you to submit between one and five photographs along with your written reflections about how the photograph/s represent your experiences of teaching during the pandemic. We intend to publish and/or publicly exhibit your submissions.
The content of the photographs that you select or create for the purposes of this study can be of a diverse nature, such as:
- Places
- Objects
- Activities
- Yourself
- Other people (which would involve following specific guidelines)
- Screenshots
- Cartoons
- Drawings
- Paintings
- Memes
It is your choice what kind of content better represents your experiences as a clinical educator during the pandemic. This research is not particularly concerned with the content of the photographs themselves, but in what you have to say about them, what they represent to you, the meanings they held for you, and the reflections they elicit about your experiences as a clinical educator, and how they relate to the study questions.
Eligibility criteria
You are eligible to participate in this research if you:
- Have taught in a clinical health professions capacity during 2020 and/or 2021
- Have taught during 2020 and/or 2021 in courses designed to be delivered to trainees in a clinical setting
- Have digital copies of one or more photographs that you have created during 2020-21 and/or agree to create for the purpose of this study; and that you are willing to contribute to the study as part of participation
- Are able to submit your written reflections in English, Spanish, or Māori
To take part in this study, please read the attached documents and contact:
Dr Tanisha Jowsey
Principal investigator
Daniela Ruiz-Cosignani
Consent, permissions and attributions form. Size: 268.5 kB.
Document Description: For study participants
Document Description: For people and/or institutions appearing in a participant’s photograph
Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 5 July 2021 for three years. Reference Number UAHPEC21879