A grounded theory of orienting mobile health for physical activity and wellness

The aim of this study is to develop a substantive theory about weight issues, physical activity, and the value of mobile health (mHealth).

What's involved?

This study involves three rounds of interviews of up to 60 minutes each.

The main idea is to set some open-ended questions to explore your concerns about weight issues, experiences using mobile health for physical activity, and your perspectives of the value of mobile health and community support.

A $20 voucher for each interview will be offered for your participation.

The interval between each round of interviews will be approximately six to eight weeks.

If you are interested in this study, please follow this link or just send an email (see contact details listed below) to find more information and complete the registration process.

Meanwhile, you are welcome to follow this link for updates on the research work.

Eligibility criteria

You're invited to participate in this research if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are 18 or older
  • You had/have long-term weight issues or concerns (if you're unsure about your weight classification, please feel free to calculate your BMI with this online calculator)
  • You can recall your experiences or concerns of using mobile technology, such as a computer/laptop, smartphone/mobile phone, or wearable device, to engage in any physical activities (both satisfactory and unsatisfactory experiences are open for discussion)
  • You are willing and able to be in an online or a face-to-face interview up to three times (if needed)
  • You can speak English
  • You have lived in Aotearoa New Zealand for at least six months

Contact details

Student Researcher / Primary Contact

Rui Wang
PhD Candidate, Health Systems Group
School of Population Health
Phone: +64 22 532 6408
Email: rui.wang@auckland.ac.nz

Principal Investigator

Dr Karen Day
Head of Health Systems Group
School of Population Health
Phone: +64 9 923 3870
Email: k.day@auckland.ac.nz


Associate Professor Michelle Honey
Director of MNSc Programme
School of Nursing
Phone: +64 9 923 7308
Email: m.honey@auckland.ac.nz

Further information

Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 28/07/2022 for three years.

Reference Number: UAHPEC23834.