Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI)

Students applying for the MBChB, BOptom, BPharm, BMedImag(Hons), MAud and MHSc Nutrition and Dietetics must complete Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI).

The MMIs are a compulsory part of the application process for the clinical programmes mentioned on the ‘Entry and Interview’ page:

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)
  • Bachelor of Optometry (BOptom)
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm)
  • Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Honours) (BMedImag(Hons))
  • Master of Audiology (MAud)
  • Master of Health Sciences in Nutrition and Dietetics (MHSc Nutrition and Dietetics)

Purpose of the MMI

The general MMI assesses non-academic qualities and capabilities that are important for those pursuing a healthcare career, including:

  • Fluency in oral English
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Resilience and adaptability in responding to challenges
  • Commitment to self-reflection and life-long learning
  • Ability to lead and contribute positively within groups
  • Awareness of the nature of the health profession
  • A strong commitment to the study and practice of health care
  • Empathy, sensitivity, and enthusiasm for people and their well-being
  • Social responsibility including an awareness of prevailing community needs and global health issues
  • Commitment to supporting safe, inclusive, and equitable access to health care for all people in Aotearoa, New Zealand, including:
    • Māori as tangata whenua of Aotearoa
    • Pacific communities
    • LGBTQITakatāpui+ communities
    • Those living with disabilities
    • Refugees
    • Those living in material hardship/poverty
    • Multifaceted communities and cultures
    • Others experiencing inequities in society and health*
  • Well-rounded abilities and interests across a variety of areas

For more information on the general MMI and interview selection, please contact the Student Hubs.

*Refer to University of Auckland Equity Policy and identified equity groups.

Before the MMI

Once applications close, the FMHS Clinical Admissions team will begin to assess applications in the relevant entry categories (i.e. General, MAPAS, UTAS and RRAS) for all of the clinical programmes.

If you are shortlisted for the above programmes, you will need to participate in the general Multiple Mini Interview (MMI). Shortlisted MAPAS applicants will need to participate in both a general MMI and a MAPAS MMI.

All General MMIs in 2025 will be held online. The MMI dates for 2025 are 1 - 12 September 2025. Applicants who are unable to participate in their scheduled interview(s) will not be considered further.

Shortlisted applicants who apply and are considered for more than one clinical programme in one year will be offered and will need to attend one general MMI and one MAPAS MMI (if applicable). The results of the MMIs will be used for all relevant applications.

What do I need for an online interview?

You will need the following for your online interviews:

  1. A photograph to upload as your profile picture for the interview
  2. A computer or laptop with a webcam and microphone (note you cannot use your mobile phone). Your webcam is required to be turned on for the duration of the interview.*
  3. Stable internet for the duration of the interview.
  4. A quiet, comfortable space to complete the interview.
    • You must be alone in the room and be able to close the door.
    • This is a closed interview. You may not have any books, written notes, cellphones, recording devices, additional technology or watches with you in the room. You are permitted to have a clear drink bottle. Note-taking during the MMIs will not be permitted.
    • If you do not have access to an appropriate space, device or internet there may be a limited number of on-campus rooms you can book through the Library. Room bookings are available in person during Philson Library opening hours. Please book well in advance:
      • Visit the Philson Library Help Desk (Building 503-107)
      • Email via Ask Us (under Contact us on the Library website)

A limited number of laptops will be available for borrowing, please bring your Campus ID Card. 

*NB: the interview session will not be recorded.

Interview link

You will receive an individual link once the interview schedule is finalised. We anticipate this notification process will commence in the week prior to the MMI.

Please note that the shortlisted MAPAS applicants will receive two separate invitations, one for the General MMI and one for the MAPAS MMI. MAPAS candidates must attend both MMI sessions.

During the MMI

General MMIs

The University will be using Kira Talent, an online candidate interview and assessment platform (Platform), to conduct the MMI.

The Platform is owned and operated by Kira Talent Inc. Applicants will be required to accept Kira Talent's Terms of Service in order to use the Platform and participate in the MMI.

The synchronous or real-time model will be used in the Kira Talent platform. The interview component is comprised of 8 Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) stations. Each station has one interviewer and takes 8 minutes to complete. 7 of these stations will be assessed and have the following format: 2 minutes for the applicant to read the stem and initial question(s) and then 6 minutes to discuss that scenario and answer follow up questions with the interviewer. An 8th station will be included as a point to carry out checks related to Police Vetting and the University’s obligations under the Children’s Act (2014). Once these checks have been completed (which should take no longer than a couple of minutes), the applicant is free to use the remainder of the time in that station as a rest – they can go to the bathroom, have a drink etc. Note that this rest station is part of the interview cycle, so it could fall anywhere from station 1 to 8.

Further information regarding the Kira Talent platform will be made available to applicants selected for interview and they will have a chance to test the platform between receiving their invitation and the interview itself.

In using the Platform, applicants will access and submit responses to the interview content the University makes available to applicants via the Platform. Kira Talent will make applicants' responses available to the University via the Platform.

Any applicant personal information that the University collects via the Platform will be used in accordance with the University's Privacy Policy.


We are finalising the details of how the MMI will run and we will update this webpage in due course.

The MAPAS MMI will cover content associated with academic preparation, cultural identity, whānau (family/community) issues, MAPAS expectations and social consciousness.  

The MAPAS interviewers include faculty and University staff members and invited members of the wider community.

For more information on the MAPAS MMI and interview selection, please email:

After the MMI

What happens next?

Following your interviews (and during all regular business hours), we will have student support advisers and MAPAS Student Support Advisers available if you need to talk to someone about pastoral issues.

NOTE – these staff are not part of the clinical admissions process, and cannot provide any advice on anything around the likelihood of getting an offer, what your academic options might be etc. They are an independent person with whom you can debrief, if you need to. You can also do this with friends, whānau or colleagues. The interview process can be stressful for some people, so we do encourage you to contact our student support advisers if you need to.

General MMI

Once all general MMIs have been completed, the scores are collated and combined with the other elements for programme admission selection including final GPA and UCAT (if applicable), and all applicants will be ranked in their respective application categories.


Once all MAPAS MMIs have been completed, the MAPAS Admissions Panel meet to review all data available for MAPAS selection including the MAPAS MMI outcomes, the general MMI outcomes, academic outcomes and UCAT (if applicable). MAPAS applicants will be reviewed from a holistic perspective for programme offer ranking.

The final offer of programme places for all applicants (i.e. general, MAPAS, UTAS and RRAS) are then finalised at a meeting of the relevant programme Admissions Committee and offers are released to all applicants. This is expected to take place in late December.