Brenda Waite
Brenda is combining her love for learning, research, health and the opportunity to give back, with the Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc.)

“I completed my Masters in Psychology and a Bachelor of Nursing more than 10 years ago, and then continued further with postgraduate study in Nursing. As a registered nurse who loves being around people, I was looking to broaden my knowledge in this space, and, the DHSc provided the opportunity to combine my clinical practice with research in an area I am passionate about.
“My research is focused on nursing engagement and leadership in antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). And that's really about antimicrobial resistance, and promoting strategies that optimise and preserve the future effectiveness of antimicrobials. Nursing engagement and leadership in Sepsis is also a particular research interest.
Currently, we don't have any antimicrobial stewardship nurse specialists in New Zealand and it’s something I am hoping to change, through research, education, the development of competencies and most importantly, by helping to improve the health and wellbeing of patients and their whānau through timely and optimal treatment and care.
“The programme has allowed me to combine what I am learning with my clinical practice and to delve deeper into research that really interests me. As a charge nurse on a busy respiratory ward, the programme connects really well with my job and has given me strategies that I can put into action as well as developing my leadership skills.
“The DHSc is great for professional development, and it gives you the opportunity to make a practical difference in a research specialty that you’re really passionate about”