Nicholas Ibrahim
After having no idea what path to follow, Nicholas found himself drawn to Optometry at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

“Leaving school not knowing what to do is a hard position to be in. I found that after two years of trying to figure out what I wanted to do, I was even more lost than when I started out. I decided to make a checklist of all the things that I wanted in a career, and I would ultimately commit to the thing that ticked the most boxes. Optometry ticked all of these things and more, so I decided to take the leap.
I value being around the people I love, so was stoked to be able to stay in New Zealand to study my chosen career path. As soon as I found this course, my tickets were booked and I was ready to head to Auckland.
"I love how hands-on and involved the programme is in its clinical years. As soon as you know a thing or two, you straightaway start practicing your skills in the lab, which is the most satisfying and educational part of the course. Optometry can be really hard to understand if you don’t do it yourself, but at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences you get so much vital hands-on experience that you can’t always get elsewhere.
"Something that guided me through my study was something my sister said to me when I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do,“at the end of the day, it will always work out.” At first, I didn’t think much of it and it didn’t feel like helpful advice at the time,but I actually found myself living by that throughout the rest of my university career. I now find myself at the end of five years of studying my ideal degree, ready to begin work in a field that I love.”