India Knight
While working in a rest home, India Knight was inspired to mirror the career of the skilled nurses.

"I originally wanted to go down the biomedical science route. However, I decided at the end of the first year that it wasn't for me so I decided to work full-time as a healthcare assistant to step back and figure out what I wanted to do.
It was while working full-time in a rest home and observing the nurse's role that I became fascinated with the technical skills and knowledge required to provide the best care to patients. This inspired me to apply for the Bachelor of Nursing.
"Because I had already done the first year of biomedical science through the University of Auckland and enjoyed the people, lectures and labs, I decided to go back.
"One of my most valuable experiences was participating in Advanced Life Support (ALS) with 6th-year med students in my 3rd year of nursing. We experienced life-threatening situations with a simulation manikin in a clinical skills lab where we would all work together to provide life support. It was exciting and scary but very rewarding to have the facilities and qualified staff to be able to do these simulations.
"Having undertaken 1100 hours in various clinical placements, I feel prepared for working life. The assignments and exams provided by the University have also allowed me to think more critically about certain aspects of nursing which has been beneficial.
"The Bachelor of Nursing is a very rewarding degree. You never get bored attending all the various placements with unlimited learning opportunities and fascinating lectures and guest speakers. You will make lifelong friends in not only the nursing degree but also in the other health degrees. Get ready for some exciting times ahead."