Master of Health Practice - Pacific Health

The Master of Health Practice specialisation in Pacific Health gives you not only advanced knowledge and skills in Pacific health issues, research and cultures, but also prepare you for both clinical and non-clinical careers in the health sector. Advanced knowledge and research skills gained by further study at masters level will give you the tools to help improve the health and well-being of all Pacific peoples.

Students taking Pacific Health courses will have the opportunity to gain these skills:

  • An orientation towards public and Pacific Health
  • Clinical or non-clinical working experience in a Pacific specific health service
  • The knowledge and ability to identify and discuss important issues and contributing factors to the health of Pacific peoples
  • The motivation to participate in the development of appropriate health services for Pacific peoples
  • The skills to conduct small research projects

Programme structure

Students doing a 120 point masters are required to enrol in and complete the following courses:


60 point dissertation


45 points: HLTHSCI 795 Project

with 15 points from:

Students doing a 180 point masters are required to enrol in and complete the following courses:

And 15 points from:


60 point dissertation


45 points: HLTHSCI 795 Project

with 15 points from:


Detailed information on admission criteria, programme structure and content, and the schedule of courses can be found in the University Calendar regulations for the Master of Health Practice.

These should also be read in conjunction with the University's General Regulations – Masters Degrees.

New students: to ensure you enrol on time, please visit our step-by-step guide to applications, admission, and enrolment.


Professor Vili Nosa
Head of Section of Pacific Health
Phone: +64 (0) 9 923 6906