Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences in Cardiac Ultrasound

The PGDipHSc (Cardiac Ultrasound) programme provides a route to registration as a cardiac sonographer in New Zealand. Entry to this programme is restricted to students who have already obtained a clinical training position in a cardiac ultrasound department. 

MRTB Accredited

Our PGDipHSc(Cardiac Ultrasound) programme is approved and accredited by the New Zealand Medical Radiation Technologists Board (MRTB).

Students who successfully complete the requirements for this programme, including a clinical competency assessment at an approved workplace, will be eligible for registration with the MRTB in the Sonography (Cardiac) scope of practice.

Students apply for admission to the PGDipHSc (Cardiac Ultrasound) programme online through the university website.

Prospective applicants may initially enrol in the generic Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (PGDipHSc) or Certificate of Proficiency and complete MEDIMAGE 717: Ultrasound Imaging Technology and/or MEDIMAGE 725: Cardiac Pathophysiology before the commencement of their clinical placement or while seeking a clinical training position. Applicants must obtain a clinical training position within two semesters of commencing either of these courses to be eligible to credit them into the PGDipHSc(Cardiac Ultrasound) programme.

At this stage, we do not offer this programme to students residing outside of New Zealand as assessment of clinical competency is embedded within it.


To gain admission to the PGDipHSc (Cardiac Ultrasound) a student must:

  • Have completed an undergraduate qualification in medical imaging, or an approved undergraduate degree from a biomedical science-related field such as anatomy or physiology, or a medical or allied health profession*.
  • Have a clinical training position in Cardiac Ultrasound from an approved clinical centre and a completed University of Auckland Clinical Training Position Agreement prior to admission to the programme. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain this training position.

*If you do not have a medical imaging qualification, please send a copy of your academic transcript(s) to the Medical Imaging Postgraduate Academic Coordinator at to confirm your eligibility for this programme.

Programme structure

Students are required to enrol in and complete the following courses:

  • MEDIMAGE 717 - Ultrasound Imaging Technology (15 points)
  • MEDIMAGE 722 - Introduction to Cardiac Ultrasound (15 points)
  • MEDIMAGE 724 - Ultrasound Assessment of Heart Disease 1 (15 points)
  • MEDIMAGE 725 - Cardiac Pathophysiology (15 points)
  • MEDIMAGE 726 - Ultrasound Assessment of Heart Disease 2
  • MEDIMAGE 727 - Introduction to Congenital Heart Disease
  • MEDIMAGE 728 - Advanced Concepts in Cardiac Imaging
  • CLINIMAG 724 - Cardiac Ultrasound Clinical Practice

In addition, at the beginning of the first semester for both part 1 and 2, students must attend an on-campus mandatory orientation of three - five days. This orientation has no credits, and it prepares the students for the course content and clinical expectations for the year. Further, assessments of clinical competency will occur in the student’s workplace throughout the duration of the student’s enrolment within this programme. Failure to demonstrate sufficient clinical progression and a minimum level of competency at specific time points may result in the student being unable to proceed to the next stage in the programme.


This programme has a total enrolment clause of 160 points. This is the maximum number of points you can enrol in (including failed or withdrawn courses) towards this programme.

Detailed information on admission criteria, programme structure and content, and the schedule of courses can be found in the University Calendar regulations for the Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences. These should also be read in conjunction with the University's General Regulations - Postgraduate Diplomas.

New students: to ensure you enrol on time, please visit our step-by-step guide to applications, admission, and enrolment.


Medical Imaging Team
Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging
School of Medical Sciences