Whakapiki Ake
The Whakapiki Ake Project engages with rangatahi Māori enrolled in secondary schools to promote health as a career.

The Whakapiki Ake Project is a recruitment programme that actively engages with rangatahi Māori enrolled in secondary schools to promote health as a career and entry into Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences’ professional programmes.
The Whakapiki Ake Project operates within a kaupapa Māori framework across the recruitment pipeline (Year 9 to first year tertiary study).
Testimonial: A whānau journey into medicine
Whakapiki Ake eligibility and registration
You are eligible for the Whakapiki Ake Project if you have verified indigenous New Zealand Māori whakapapa/ancestry and are a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand. You can register with the project by completing the Whakapiki Ake registration form online.
Whakapiki Ake Project Hui ā Kura Year 12 - 13
Our team visits secondary schools across the North Island. We present to rangatahi who may be interested in a career in health and ideally taking Applied Sciences, (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Maths and English. These presentations are student-centered and focus on academic pathways to a career in health.
Whakapiki Ake Study Wānanga
Year 12 and 13 Whakapike Ake students are invited to attend an
academic exam preparation wānanga prior to external examinations.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest details @whakapikiake.whanau
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Rohe
Our team will revisit regions to reconnect with Whakapike Ake rangatahi and their whānau, in collaboration with iwi, schools, DHBs and others.
The aim of these regional hui is to share key information about achievement in NCEA, retention of academic subjects at Level 2 and 3 required for a career in health, and transitioning information from secondary into tertiary study within FMHS.
Whakapike Ake academic support
Whakapike Ake rangatahi who attend MASH or COACH are offered academic support via an individual plan. This support is inclusive of online academic assistance, credit mapping and study planning templates, preferred learning styles testing and information. Academic support is also available to eligible Whakapiki Ake Year 12 and 13 students who are unable to attend MASH/COACH. Please contact us for more information.
MASH (Māori Achieving Success in Health)
MASH is a four-day, Year 12 academic enrichment programme held at Waipapa Marae, The University of Auckland. Māori students who are interested in a career in health, and have exposure to NCEA Level 2 Applied Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Maths and English (IB or CIE equivalent) are eligible to apply.
COACH (Creating Opportunities for a Career in Health)
COACH is a four-day, Year 13 transitioning programme held at Waipapa Marae, The University of Auckland. Māori students who are interested in a career in health, and have exposure to NCEA Level 2 and Level 3 in Applied Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Maths and English (IB or CIE equivalent) are eligible to apply.
Whakapike Ake MAPAS General Interview Day
Whakapiki Ake host all their MAPAS applicants on one day for the MAPAS General Interviews, this gives us the opportunity to further facilitate a "Next Steps" Session at the Halls of Residence later that night and following morning. Accommodation for Next Steps is provided at a small cost to the whānau.
Contact details
Kanewa Stokes
Whakapiki Ake Developmental Manager
Phone: 0272912990
Email: k.stokes@auckland.ac.nz
Lui Hellesoe
Communication Co-Designer Analyst
Phone: 027 403 0061
Email: lui.hellesoe@auckland.ac.nz
Te Whatumanawa Ngatai Tangirua
Māori Health Workforce Engagement
Phone: 027 291 6312
Email: tewhatumanawa@auckland.ac.nz