Named after one of New Zealand's most eminent medical scientists, our staff and postgraduate students come from diverse backgrounds.
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Our aim is to rapidly translate discoveries in basic science into therapies that will prevent or help people manage major health problems of the 21st century.
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We’re home to a state-of-the-art laboratory and a clinical research unit for metabolic trials in babies, children and adults.
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We are self-sufficient, which means we compete for public and commercial research funding. We also look to the wider community for support.
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If you're a former student or staff member, discover how you can keep in touch with Liggins, hear about upcoming events, or support our ongoing work.
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From time to time job opportunities for professional and academic staff become available at the Liggins Institute.
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Here you’ll find contact details for general enquiries, student enquiries, media enquiries, LENScience, the Liggins Clinical Research Unit and more.
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