Find a research project

See the honours, masters and doctoral research projects currently on offer at the Liggins Institute.

Get involved in ground-breaking clinical trials to help mums and babies

In this recent webinar on postgraduate study at the Liggins Institute, discover opportunities for research in maternal and child health.

The feet of a baby in NICU

Projects related to our four research themes are available at honours, masters and doctoral level.

Explore our research themes
Professor Justin O'Sullivan with students

View our database of Liggins Institute supervisors you can contact to discuss a general project idea.

View our supervisors

Study preterm birth, nutrition and the developmental origins of health

In this recent webinar on postgraduate study at the Liggins Institute, discover opportunities for research in birth and lifelong nutrition.

Liggins Institute students in the laboratory

Worried about the cost of postgraduate study? We have a number of scholarships and awards available for masters and doctoral students.

Learn more
Postgraduate Associate Director, Dr Jo Perry

You can contact any of our supervisors directly about their research or email our dedicated Postgraduate Associate Director, Dr Jo Perry, for help.

Contact student enquiries

Discover new ways to treat disease

In this recent webinar on postgraduate study at the Liggins Institute, discover opportunities for research in genetics and the microbiome.