Current participating hospitals

Current participating hospitals in New Zealand:
  • Auckland City Hospital, National Women’s Health, Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland, Professor Katie Groom
  • Christchurch Hospital, Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury, Dr Jo Gullam and research midwife Di Leishman
  • Middlemore Hospital, Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau, Dr Charlotte Oyston
  • North Shore Hospital and Waitakere Hospital, Te Whatu Ora Waitematā, Dr Ngaire Anderson, Associate Professor Kathleen Antony and Dr Neha Patel
  • Tauranga Hospital, Te Whatu Ora Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty, Dr Aggie Them
  • Waikato Hospital, Te Whatu Ora Waikato, Dr Victoria Carlsen
  • Wellington Hospital, Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley, Dr Judy Ormandy
  • Whangarei Hospital, Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau, Dr David Bailey

Current participating hospitals in Australia:

  • Bacchus Marsh Hospital, Dr Premjit Gill
  • Ballarat Base Hospital, Dr Natasha Frawley
  • Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne, Dr Penny Sheehan
  • Campbelltown Hospital, Associate Professor Raiyomand Dalal
  • Epworth Hospital, Melbourne, Dr Sze Wey Lee
  • Fiona Stanley Hospital, Dr Preethi Nagubandi
  • Ipswich Hospital, Ipswich, Associate Professor Kassam Mahomed
  • Joan Kirner Women’s & Children’s Hospital, Sunshine Hospital, Melbourne, Associate Professor Joanne Said
  • John Hunter Hospital, Dr Craig Pennell
  • Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, Dr Gauthami Bhagwanani
  • Mercy Hospital for Women, Melbourne, Dr Elizabeth McCarthy
  • Monash Health, Melbourne, Professor Kirsten Palmer
  • Northern Hospital, Melbourne, Dr Arzoo Khalid
  • Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Dr. Renuka Sekar
  • Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney, Dr Antonia Shand
  • Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Professor Jonathan Morris
  • St George Hospital, Sydney, Associate Professor Amanda Henry
  • The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Dr Clare Whitehead
  • Townsville Hospital, Dr Cecelia O’Brien and Dr David Watson
  • Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, Dr Amanda Poprzeczny

For your local hospital’s contact details please reach out to the C*STEROID coordinators in New Zealand (022 4311 988 or or Australia (