Healthy mothers, healthy babies overview
This research theme is about exploring how a mother’s environment, diet and lifestyle during pregnancy and even before conception influences the outcome of her pregnancy and her child’s life-long health.

Babies who are born too small or too early are more likely to develop chronic adult conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Babies whose mothers are affected by complications of pregnancy, such as pre-eclampsia, severe morning sickness and gestational diabetes also are at increased risk of these adult conditions.
In this area of research we look at how maternal, fetal and neonatal treatments - including nutrition and the intrauterine environment – can affect a baby’s growth, development and long-term health. Through experimental research, clinical trials and follow-up studies, our goal is to improve medical guidelines, practices and treatments that take place from before conception through to early childhood.
How can we give all babies a healthy start to life?
Watch this video with Liggins Institute Director Professor Frank Bloomfield to find out why early life events are so important to life-long health and what our researchers are investigating.