Research to reality overview
We’re passionate about translating our research discoveries into real strategies that will help people to prevent and manage major health problems in the 21st century.

Research to Reality is all about finding the best ways to translate our research findings to educators, healthcare professionals and policy makers, so that these findings are implemented through change in practice. It’s also about communicating most effectively to bring about behavioural change.
This theme includes systematic reviews; meta-analyses and overviews; individual participant data analysis; development, implementation and audit of national and international guidelines, and projects that engage directly with those who are in positions to bring about behavioural change. Two key groups are school teachers, who can embed our research evidence into the science curriculum, and healthcare workers who engage with prospective mothers and with parents.
Clinical application of research
The Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) 2015 Annual Report showcases two areas of research conducted at Liggins being put into practice in a clinical setting. The hPOD study is investigating whether hypoglycaemia in newborns can be prevented with a simple dextrose gel (page 20), and the pulse oximetry trial is piloting a screening standard for earlier detection of congenital heart defects in newborns (page 24).
ADHB Annual Report 2015
Download Auckland District Health Board's annual report to find out more about the research discoveries at Liggins being put into clinical practice. (6.9 MB, PDF)
How interventions at birth can improve the long-term health of a baby
Distinguished Professor Jane Harding explains why she focuses on newborn babies and what cross-disciplinary research looks like in practice.