SDG 10 Mana Ōrite

Reduce inequality within and among countries.

Māori Studies will enable you to develop a rich appreciation and knowledge of Māori language and culture. Study opportunities include Māori language, Māori and the media, material culture, history, development, politics, and Māori performing arts (kapa haka).

The Graduate School of Management offers a Postgraduate Diploma in Business in Māori Development. This two-year executive programme is designed to build on the knowledge and skills of Māori leaders, executives, entrepreneurs and business managers and administrators who are engaged in Māori business development.  It also attracts other New Zealanders who wish to learn how to work more effectively with Māori within the Māori economy. 

Pacific Studies enables you to develop a broad knowledge of the Pacific and enhance your cultural awareness. Study opportunities include Pacific indigenous knowledge, society and culture, music and dance, history, art and identity, as well as Pacific languages and linguistics.

Population Health addresses health outcomes that affect a particular population. One important aim is to reduce health inequities or disparities among different population groups, which are in part due to factors such as housing, environment, and income.

In the Public Health Postgraduate Diploma, Māori Health can be taken as a specialisation. The subject emphasises an approach to Māori health that is evidence-based, affirms Māori rights, and is centred on a critical analysis of ethnic inequalities in health.

Pacific Health can be taken as a specialisation in the Master of Health Practice. It examines health issues faced by the Pacific population in both the Pacific region and New Zealand. Courses are designed to increase knowledge and understanding of the issues around Pacific health and barriers such as access to services.

The Faculty of Education and Social Work offers comprehensive undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the areas of teacher education, education and social work, human services and counselling. All of these have relevance to SDG 10. 

Explore Education and Social Work study options

Many Law courses are highly relevant to SDG 10, and Public Law is a subject of particular significance. There are several Public Law offerings in part IV of the undergraduate LLB programme, and it can also be studied at postgraduate level. 

Sociology explores topical social issues and seeks to understand the modern world. It pays special attention to questions of power and social justice, which are central to SDG 10. 

Undergraduate courses in other faculties and subjects

Course code and title Subject
DISABILTY 113G: Making Disabilities: The Construction of Ideas General Education
ANTHRO 242: Economy and Culture
ANTHRO 247: Anthropology Today: Debates in Culture
ANTHRO 314: New Zealand Ethnography
ANTHRO 321: Equality and Inequality
ANTHRO 336: Anthropologies of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism
ANTHRO 356: Anthropology and Intellectual Property
ASIAN 303: Asian Identities
Asian Studies
BIOSCI 395: Pacific Biogeography and Biodiversity
Biological Science
CRIM 305: Special Topic: Victims and Victimology
ENGLISH 204: Pacific Literature in English
GEOG 102: Geography of the Human Environment
GEOG 207: Field Studies in Environment and Community
GEOG 302: Space, Place, Economy
GEOG 312: Geographies of Pacific Development
GEOG 322: Culture and Environment in East Asia
GEOG 325: The Human Dimension of Disasters
HISTORY 111: Racial Histories
LATINAM 202: Special Topic: Study Abroad (Brazil)
Latin American Studies
LATINAM 325: First Nations in Latin America
Latin American Studies
POLITICS 209: Modern Political Thought
POLITICS 211: Politics of China
POLITICS 223: Comparing Democracy and Government in World Politics
POLITICS 229: Mana Māori Motuhake / Māori Politics and Public Policy
PSYCH 313: Psychology of Communication Disorders
SCISCHOL 301: Advanced Science and Innovation
Science Scholars
SUSTAIN 300: A Sustainable World Sustainability
THEOREL 205/305: Religion and Violence
Theological and Religious Studies

Postgraduate courses in other faculties and subjects

Course code and title Subject
DEVELOP 710: Development Policies and Institutions
Development Studies
DEVELOP 716: Global Health and Development
Development Studies
DEVELOP 717: Humanitarian Interventions
Development Studies
ENVMGT 746: Collaborative Environmental Management
Environmental Management
FTVMS 709: Sexuality and Media
Media, Film and Television
GEOG 718: Urban Worlds
GEOG 719: Geographies of Housing and Urban Change
GEOG 725: People, Participation and Development
GEOG 725: People, Participation and Development
GEOG 749: Climate and Society
GLMI 707: Responsible Business and Sustainability
Global Management and Innovation
HISTORY 721B: Special Topic: Māori History in Focus
HISTORY 91F: Foundation History 1
INDIGEN 700: Indigenous Theories
Indigenous Studies
MUSEUMS 701: Indigenous People and Museums
Museums and Cultural Heritage
NURSING 771: Self-management for People Living with Long-term Conditions
POLITICS 702: Transitional Justice: From Retribution to Reconciliation
POLITICS 750: International Relations and Human Rights
POLITICS 770: Ethnic Conflict and Civil War
POLITICS 771: Democratisation and International Relations
PROPERTY 755: International Property Markets
PSYCH 731: Social Psychology and Intergroup Processes
SPCHSCI 722: Communication Difficulties in Children
Speech Science
URBPLAN 706: Māori Planning Issues
Urban Planning