SDG 9 Hanga Pai

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.

Urban Planning addresses how our towns and cities can be improved to produce better social, cultural and environmental outcomes. This includes the factors that influence how urban environments operate, from policy and economics to design decisions, cultural issues, infrastructure and sustainability considerations. The Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries offers undergraduate and postgraduate Urban Planning programmes, highly relevant to SDG 9. 

Undergraduate courses in other subjects

Course code and title Subject
ARCHTECH 108: Introduction to Architecture and Sustainability
Architectural Technology
ARCHTECH 208/307: Environmental Design I/II
Architectural Technology
ARCHTECH 312: Design Technology III
Architectural Technology
BIOSCI 323: Plant Diversity
Biological Science
CHEM 260: Introduction to Green Chemistry
CHEM 360: Contemporary Green Chemistry
CHEMMAT 221: Materials
Chemical and Materials Engineering
CIVIL 361: Transportation Engineering 2
Civil Engineering
ENVSCI 101: Environment, Science and Management
Environmental Science
ENVSCI 201: Natural and Human Environmental Systems
Environmental Science
GEOG 205: Environment and Society
GEOG 322: Culture and Environment in East Asia
INNOVENT 301: Technology and Innovation for Business Growth
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
INNOVENT 303: Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
INNOVENT 307: Ecosystems for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
INTBUS 305: Governing International Business
International Business
MATHS 101: Mathematics in Society
POLITICS 354: China and the World
PROPERTY 380: Property Issues and Trends
SCIENT 301: Bio-entrepreneurship
Science Enterprise
SCIGEN 201: Innovating for a Knowledge Society
Science General
SUSTAIN 300: A Sustainable World Sustainability

Postgraduate courses in other subjects

Course code and title Subject
ARCHGEN 721-725: Special Topics in Sustainable Design 1-5
Architecture General
BIOSCI 741: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Biological Science
BUSMGT 743: Competing in Asia
Business Management 
CHEM 730: Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
CHEM 770: Advanced Environmental Chemistry
CHEMMAT 726: The Light Metals Industry
Chemical and Materials Engineering
CHEMMAT 731: Advanced Design for Reduction Technology
Chemical and Materials Engineering
CHEMMAT 755: Electronic Materials and their Applications
Chemical and Materials Engineering
CIVIL 707: Construction Supply Chain Management
Civil Engineering
COMENT 703: Commercialisation of Science and Technology
Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship
DISMGT 701: Disaster Risk Management
Disaster Management
DISMGT 703: Disaster Management and Resilience
Disaster Management
ENVENG 702: Engineering Decision Making in Aotearoa
Environmental Engineering
ENVMGT 741: Social Change for Sustainability
Environmental Management
ENVMGT 742: Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
Environmental Management
ENVMGT 743: Environmental Policy
Environmental Management
ENVMGT 744: Resource Management
Environmental Management
ENVMGT 747: Current Issues in Sustainability
Environmental Management
ENVSCI 734: Restoration and Landscape Ecology
Environmental Science
GEOG 104/G: Cities and Urbanism
GEOG 737: Policy and Expertise
GLMI 706: Working in an Age of Uncertainty
Global Management and Innovation
GLMI 710: Innovation and Knowledge Management
Global Management and Innovation
INFOSYS 700: Digital Innovation
Information Systems
INFOSYS 701: Global Outsourcing
Information Systems
INFOSYS 725: New Perspectives on Organisations and Information Systems
Information Systems
INFOSYS 737: Adaptive Enterprise Systems
Information Systems
POLITICS 750: International Relations and Human Rights
POLITICS 772: Global Competition/National Innovation
SCIENT 701: Accounting and Finance for Scientists
Science Enterprise
SCIENT 703: Frontiers in Biotechnology
Science Enterprise
SCIENT 722: Current Issues in Bioscience Enterprise
Science Enterprise
SOCIOL 745: Special Topic: The Sociology of Science