Postgraduate courses
Available courses in Fine Arts in 2025.
- Students need to use My Programme Requirements to view courses that are part of their postgraduate degree in Fine Arts.
- The University Calendar gives details on the schedule that lists the courses that can be taken for the PGDipFA and MFA degrees.
Master of Fine Arts enrolment patterns
First and second semester:
- FINEARTS 779 and FINEARTS 780; or FINEARTS 781
First semester:
- FINEARTS 770, FINEARTS 761 or 764, and FINEARTS 763 or 766
Second and third Semester:
- FINEARTS 779 and FINEARTS 780; or FINEARTS 781
The University Calendar has the full details about the MFA degree regulations and requirements.
Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Arts enrolment patterns
First semester:
- FINEARTS 770, FINEARTS 761 or 764, and FINEARTS 763 or 766
Second semester:
Digital Course Outlines
The Digital Course Outlines are published many months before the start of the academic year and contain detailed information about each course. This includes the topic description, learning outcomes, assessment methods, and academic staff involved.
Below are the Fine Arts courses offered this year:
- Semester One courses
- Semester Two courses
- Research courses
Semester One courses
FINEARTS 761 - Contemporary Practice 1
- Corequisite: FINEARTS 762 or 763
- Points: 30
FINEARTS 763 - Theories of Practice 1
- Points: 15
FINEARTS 770 - Research Methodologies
- Offered in Semester One and Two
- Points: 15
Semester Two courses
FINEARTS 758 - Creative Practice Methodologies
- Corequisite: FINEARTS 759
- Points: 15
- Programme restriction: PGDipFA
FINEARTS 759 - Studio
- Points: 45
- Programme restriction: PGDipFA
FINEARTS 764 - Contemporary Practices 2
- Corerequisite: FINEARTS 765 or 766
- Points: 30
FINEARTS 766 - Theories of Practice 2
- Points: 15
FINEARTS 770 - Research Methodologies
- Offered in Semester One and Two
- Points: 15
Research courses
These are double-semester research courses. Please note:
- You must enrol in the 'A' and 'B' components (eg, FINEARTS 779A in Semester One and FINEARTS 799B in Semester Two)
- You have until the fourth Friday of the first semester in which you enrol into the A component to make changes without penalty.
- After this point, you are considered enrolled for the complete points value of the course, including if you are part-time.
- You are liable for the total fees for the whole course (full or part-time), and this includes if you withdraw from the course.
If you are enrolling in the research course(s) on a part-time basis, contact the Student Hubs for advice.
FINEARTS 779A + FINEARTS 779B - Studio
- Start: Semester One or Two
- Prerequisites:
- FINEARTS 770 and 45 points from FINEARTS 761-769, and,
- 180-point MFA: a B average or higher across first 60 points of taught courses
- Corequisite: FINEARTS 780
- Points: 90 total (45 + 45)
FINEARTS 780A + FINEARTS 780B - Studio Research Essay
- Start: Semester One or Two
- Prerequisites:
- 180-point MFA: a B average or higher across first 60 points of taught courses
- Corequisite: FINEARTS 779
- Points: 30 total (15 + 15)
FINEARTS 781A + FINEARTS 781B - Research Portfolio
- Start: Semester One or Two
- Prerequisites:
- 180-point MFA: a B average or higher across first 60 points of taught courses
- Points: 120 total (60 + 60)