Postgraduate Music courses
Postgraduate music courses available in 2025.
- Students should check the Postgraduate music degree planning page for help structuring their degree.
- All postgraduate Music courses offered this year are listed below and split into four distinct course clusters which align with the degree planning:
- Electives courses
- Skills courses
- Capstone courses
- Research (A/B) courses
Elective courses
MUS 701 - Advanced Analysis
- Course prescription: Develops advanced analytical research skills, focusing on one or more specific repertoires and/or analytical techniques (such as voice-leading analysis, schemata, topics, set theory, metrical analysis or form-functional analysis).
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: MUS 205
- Restriction: MUS 340
- Points: 15
MUS 702 - Music Internship
- Course prescription: An internship with an industry or education partner in music performance, technology, administration, or pedagogy.
- Semester availability: Semester One and Two
- Prerequisite: Departmental approval
- Points: 15
MUS 714 - Advanced Orchestration
- Course prescription: Advanced orchestration and instrumentation, including contemporary instrumental and vocal techniques, with practical scoring exercises. Composition students are expected to be writing original music in this course.
- Semester availability: Semester Two
- Prerequisite: MUS 314
- Points: 15
MUS 715 - Advanced Sonic Arts
- Course prescription: Examination of a wide range of advanced sound-based compositional techniques including multichannel acousmatic music, live sonic arts, algorithmic music, sonic art in the natural environment, visual music and interactive installation.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: MUS 315
- Points: 15
MUS 722 - Advanced Ensemble Performance 1
- Course prescription: Creative research in aspects of ensemble performance through chamber music and ensemble playing.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: Departmental approval
- Points: 15
MUS 723 - Advanced Ensemble Performance 2
- Course prescription: Advanced work in the field of chamber music and ensemble playing.
- Semester availability: Semester Two
- Prerequisite: Departmental Approval
- Points: 15
MUS 726 - Aspects of Performance Practice
- Course prescription: Selected research for discussion and investigation from the field of Performance Practice and its documentation. The study of source materials; individual projects; performance and/or teaching and direction of music from the area studied.
- Semester availability: Semester Two
- Points: 15
MUS 727 - Advanced Auxiliary Performance
- Course prescription: Advanced tuition on an approved instrument or voice suitable for a practical component to complement a student’s other music study.
- Semester availability: Semester One and Two
- Prerequisite: Departmental Approval
- Note: Students need to submit an enrolment concession for this course and the research project will need to be approved by the Head of School
- Points: 15
MUS 730 - Studio Pedagogy Research and Practice
- Course prescription: The study of pedagogy theory and practice applicable to the studio or school context. A range of topics is explored including instrumental technique, repertoire, health and well-being and pedagogical methods.
- Semester availability: Semester Two
- Prerequisite: 15 points from MUS 321, 371, 382
- Points: 15
MUS 736 - Creative Studies in Music Production
- Course prescription: The development of advanced creative and technological skills leading to computer-based creative practice.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: 15 points from MUS 258, 315, 330-334, 358, 383
- Points: 15
MUS 743 - Advanced Music Research
- Course prescription: Critical exploration of advanced concepts and methods for music research, including historical, qualitative, indigenous and practice-led approaches suited to the advanced study of Music. Students develop, apply and critique knowledge of traditional and cutting-edge qualitative methods to design an independent research project for their chosen research topic and to write a substantial research essay.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Points: 15
MUS 744 - Musicians' Health and Wellbeing
- Course prescription: An advanced examination of the critical physical and psychological health issues musicians encounter when preparing for performances and when performing. Topics include aspects of musculoskeletal health, focal dystonia, the protection of the voice and hearing, the role of movement disciplines and the management of stress and music performance anxiety. An inquiry into research from both science and arts disciplines that informs how musicians maintain physical and psychological well-being.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Points: 15
MUS 748 - Conducting Repertoire and Pedagogy
- Course prescription: An overview of conducting literature and pedagogical skills for the rehearsal, the concert platform and music education contexts. The course includes analysis, score preparation, practical sessions and requires attendance at designated rehearsals and performances.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: MUS 306
- Points: 15
MUS 749 - Topic in World Music
- Course prescription: An intensive performance-based course that focuses on a specific regional musical tradition.
- Semester availability: Semester Two
- Restriction: MUS 349
- Points: 15
MUS 750 - Performance Research Project
- Course prescription: A supervised course of advanced music performance research culminating in a performance and associated written material.
- Semester availability: Semester One and Two
- Prerequisite: MUS 720
- Restriction: MUS 785
- Points: 15
MUS 752 - Research Project
- Course prescription: A supervised course of musicological or music education research.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: Departmental approval
- Points: 15
MUS 759 - Special Topic: Critical Theory and Music Technology
- Course prescription: A critical investigation into modern-day music learning, production and consumption. Issues arising in a music landscape mediated by technology and hegemonic political economy will be examined with a focus on the interrogation of power relations using a social justice lens. Topics may include technology in music education, music and Artificial Intelligence, music decolonisation, and music streaming platforms.
- Semester availability: Semester Two
- Prerequisite: 15 points at Stage III in Music
- Points: 15
MUS 762 - Approaches to Music Education 1
- Course prescription: A detailed examination of the practices and concepts in a selected music education approach or method.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Points: 15
MUS 763 - Approaches to Music Education 2
- Course prescription: Further examination of the practices and concepts in a selected music education approach or method.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: MUS 762
- Points: 15
MUS 772 - Jazz Composition and Arranging I
- Course prescription: Jazz arranging and composition for mixed ensembles. Through the analysis and study of advanced compositional and orchestration techniques, students produce original research material for recorded portfolio. Students are encouraged to perform with a 'mentor' from the jazz faculty in the development of a creative process and individual style.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: MUS 375
- Points: 15
Skills courses
MUS 707 - Research and Practice in Conducting
- Course prescription: The development of advanced conducting skills and techniques in a variety of ensemble situations including instrumental and choral/vocal. Includes research into score preparation and rehearsal skill development.
- Semester availability: Semester One and Two
- Prerequisite: MUS 306
- Points: 30
MUS 710 - Composition Research Portfolio
- Course prescription: Through individually negotiated creative projects and supporting studies in instrumental/vocal composition or sonic arts, students deliver an end-of-semester portfolio of original compositions, wherein skills are refined through targeted research in notational and/or sonic techniques, repertoire study and critical thinking. To take supporting studies in both sonic arts and instrumental composition students should enrol in the corresponding elective MUS 714 or 715.
- Semester availability: Semester One and Two
- Prerequisite: MUS 311 or 315
- Points: 30
MUS 720 - Classical Performance Research
- Course prescription: Creative research in aspects of solo performance. Relevant ensemble work, including orchestral rehearsals and performance, may be required.
- Semester availability: Semester One and Two
- Prerequisite: MUS 321
- Points: 30
MUS 737 - Music Technology Research
- Course prescription: A customised creative practice or theoretical investigation of music technology-related disciplines including: computer music, musical interface design, interactive art, technology in music education, performance technology, music and AI, and sound design.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Points: 30
MUS 747 - Research in Musicology
- Course prescription: An overview of the discipline of musicology, its principal concepts and associated methods of research. Students consider key texts from the scholarly literature and musicological viewpoints and perspectives. This course also develops advanced writing skills.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: 15 points from MUS 340, 345-348
- Points: 30
MUS 767 - Music Education Research and Practice
- Course prescription: Students will develop a critical understanding of current research approaches in music education, community music and studio pedagogy with a focus on the application of and relevance of this research to teaching practice in various contexts. Students will critically review contemporary research and different theoretical perspectives.
- Semester availability: Semester One and Two
- Prerequisite: MUS 362 or 363
- Points: 30
MUS 770 - Jazz Performance Research
- Course prescription: Practical research in instrumental technique leading to the development of advanced improvisational skills. Students prepare a recital reflecting the technical work undertaken in the semester. Students engage with practice through ensemble and 1:1 instruction.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: MUS 371
- Points: 30
MUS 780 - Popular Music Research
- Course prescription: The development of advanced song writing and popular music composition skills. Students engage in an in-depth study of lyric writing, word setting, and compositional elements, compose a significant body of new songs and compositions, and produce a research portfolio of recordings and scores of these works.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: MUS 381
- Points: 30
Capstone Courses
MUS 711 - Composition Research Project
- Course prescription: A customised creative project in instrumental/vocal composition and/or sonic arts realised through an end-of-semester portfolio of original compositions.
- Semester availability: Semester One and Two
- Prerequisite: 30 points from MUS 710, 770, 780
- Points: 30
MUS 729 - Music Performance Research Project
- Course prescription: A customised performance project incorporating solo performance, conducting, relevant ensemble work, improvisational skills, presentation of original work and the application of advanced instrumental techniques, as appropriate.
- Semester availability: Semester One and Two
- Prerequisite: 30 points from MUS 707, 720, 770, 780
- Points: 30
MUS 738 - Creative Practice Research Project
- Course prescription: A customised creative practice project employing a combination of performance, composition and/or production modes.
- Semester availability: Semester Two
- Prerequisite: 30 points from MUS 710, 720, 737, 770, 780
- Points: 30
MUS 742 - Research Project
- Course prescription: An independent course in musicological research.
- Semester availability: Semester One
- Prerequisite: MUS 743
- Points: 30
MUS 768 - Community Music Research Project
- Course prescription: Music community and/or pedagogy music research project. Includes fieldwork in music industry, community, school, or studio contexts and a research report.
- Semester availability: Semester Two
- Prerequisite: 30 points from MUS 707, 724, 767
- Points: 30
Research (A/B) Courses
These are double-semester courses and so please note:
- You must enrol in the 'A' and 'B' components (eg: MUS 790A in Semester One and MUS 790B in Semester Two)
- You have until the fourth Friday of the first semester in which you enrol into the A component to make changes without penalty.
- After this point you are considered enrolled for the complete points value of the course, including if part-time.
- You are liable for the total fees for the whole course (full or part-time), and this includes if you withdraw from the course.
If you are seeking to enrol on a part-time basis, contact the Student Hubs for assistance.
MUS 785A+B - Research Portfolio
- Start: Semester One or Two
- Prerequisite: Departmental approval
- 180-point MMus: a B average or higher across the first 60 points of taught courses
- Points: 90 total (30 (MUS 785A) + 60 (MUS 785B))
MUS 786A+B - Thesis
- Start: Semester One or Two
- Prerequisite: Departmental approval
- 180-point MMus: a B average or higher across the first 60 points of taught courses
- Points: 90 total (30 (MUS 786A) + 60 (MUS 786B))
MUS 790A+B - Research Project
- Semester availability: Semester One or Two commencement
- Prerequisite: MUS 743
- Note: Students must enrol in MUS 790A and MUS 790B in respective semesters
- Points: 30 total
MUS 796A+B - Thesis
- Semester availability: Semester One or Two commencement
- Note: Students must enrol in MUS 796A and MUS 796B in respective semesters
- Points: 120 total