First year of Music
This information is to help you plan your first enrolments as BMus or conjoint student.
MUS 103 and MUS 104
All BMus and conjoint students take MUS 103 and MUS 104 as standard.
There is an option to take a theory test to see if you can enter directly into MUS 104 without having completed MUS 103. If you wish to take this test, please visit the MUS 103 Canvas page, which will be available from 1 February onwards. You must be enrolled in MUS 103 to access this test.
You will be notified of the result via email, and if you are approved to enter directly into MUS 104, you will then be able to drop MUS 103.
Creative Practice: Classical
- Semester One: MUS 103, MUS 120, MUS 125, MUS 191A - 193A, WTR 100
- Semester Two: MUS 104, MUS 121, MUS 191B - 193B, and
- A Stage One elective (MUS 103-181), or
- An AELR course, if you need to complete this requirement (for more information, refer to Academic English Language Requirement).
Creative Practice: Composition
- Semester One: MUS 103, MUS 110, MUS 125, WTR 100
- Semester Two: MUS 104, MUS 111, MUS 145, and
- A Stage One MUS elective (MUS 103-181), or
- An AELR course if you need to complete this requirement
Creative Practice: Jazz
- Semester One: MUS 103, MUS 125, MUS 170, MUS 197A, WTR 100
- Semester Two: MUS 104, MUS 171, MUS 197B, and
- MUS 276, or
- A Stage One elective (MUS 103-197), or
- An AELR course, if you need to complete this requirement (for more information, see Academic English Language Requirement)
Creative Practice: Popular Music
- Semester One: MUS 103, MUS 125, MUS 180, MUS 196A, WTR 100
- Semester Two: MUS 104, MUS 181, MUS 196B, and
- A Stage One elective (MUS 103-181), or
- An AELR course if you need to complete this requirement
Music Studies
- Semester One: MUS 103, MUS 125, MUS 106 or 130, WTR 100
- Semester Two: MUS 104, MUS 145, MUS 162, and
- MUS 276 (if you want to take jazz theory) or
- A Stage One elective (MUS 103-197, ANTHRO 103, 106, MĀORI 190, PACIFIC 110) or
- An AELR course if you need to complete this requirement (for more information, see Academic English Language Requirement)
- MUS 276 (if you want to take jazz theory) or
For more information on courses available, refer to Stage One courses.
BMus conjoints
As a conjoint student, you need to plan your enrolments carefully to ensure you meet the requirements of both sides of the degree. It is suggested that BMus conjoint students enrol in courses as below in the first year of their degree. However, depending on the degree structure for the other half of your conjoint, some courses might need to be delayed until later on (for example, Engineering).
Note: the Waipapa Taumata Rau course can be taken in either semester, depending on how you structure your conjoint.
Creative Practice: Classical
- Semester One:
- MUS 103, MUS 120, MUS 125
- MUS 191A - 193A or a course from the other side of your conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course
- One course from either side of the conjoint
- Semester Two:
- MUS 104, MUS 121
- MUS 191B-193B or a course from the other side of your conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course
- Two courses from either side of the conjoint
Creative Practice: Composition
- Semester One:
- MUS 103, MUS 110, MUS 125
- Two courses from either side of the conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course and a course from the other side of your conjoint
- Semester Two:
- MUS 104, MUS 111, MUS 145
- Two courses from either side of the conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course and a course from the other side of your conjoint
Creative Practice: Jazz
- Semester One:
- MUS 103, MUS 125, MUS 170
- MUS 197A
- One course from either side of the conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course
- Semester Two:
- MUS 104
- MUS 171
- MUS 276 (replaced MUS 174)
- MUS 197B
- One course from either side of the conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course
Creative Practice: Popular Music
- Semester One:
- MUS 103, MUS 125, MUS 180
- MUS 196A or a course from the other side of your conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course
- One course from either side of the conjoint
- Semester Two:
- MUS 104, MUS 181
- MUS 196B or a course from the other side of your conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course
- Two courses from either side of the conjoint
Music Studies
- Semester One:
- MUS 103, MUS 106, MUS 125
- Two courses from either side of the conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course and a course from the other side of your conjoint
- Semester Two:
- MUS 104, MUS 145, MUS 162
- Two courses from either side of the conjoint or Waipapa Taumata Rau course and a course from the other side of your conjoint