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Past events
PPI Seminar: Transport and Auckland - What is required for inclusive urban mobility?

- Prof Alistair Woodward
- Prof Kim Dirks
- Simon Wilson
When: Friday 16 September 2022, 1-2 pm
Where: OGGB Case Room 2 (260-057)
Join us for a conversation between Simon Wilson and transport researchers from Engineering and Population Health about Auckland’s transport challenges, including:
- Bikes, trucks, and transitions
- Active transport, cycling, and infrastructure
- Bus stop locations and accessibility
- Reasons for rapid action to lower greenhouse emissions
- Air pollution while travelling
PPI Seminar: Going Straight Home? Post-release housing and experiences of reintegration and desistance

- Dr Alice Mills
- AP Barry Milne
When: Friday 30 September 2022, 1-2pm
Where: OGGB Case Room 2 (260-057)
Every year around 7,500 people are released from New Zealand prisons, less than half of whom are able to settle into long-term accommodation on release. Housing is well known to be the ‘lynchpin that holds the reintegration process together’ (Bradley et al. 2001) and existing international research has suggested that stable housing is associated with reduced recidivism post-release. ‘Going Straight Home?’ is a mixed methods study which examines the role of stable housing in reintegration and reduced reoffending amongst those released from prison in Aotearoa New Zealand. This seminar will draw upon longitudinal quantitative data analysis from interviews with 200 people prior to release from prison and 6-months post-release, and narrative interviews with 16 people 18-months post-release. It examines whether having stable housing reduces recidivism amongst people who have left prison in Aotearoa New Zealand, and argues that whilst housing remains the lynchpin for reintegration, post-release housing needs to provide a sense of ontological security in order to play a role in desistance from crime.
Past Events
PPI Seminar: Critical Reflections on Samoan and Māori Rangatahi Engagement with Criminal Justice Policies and Interventions

- Associate Professor Tamasailau Suaalli-Sauni
- Naomi Fuamatu
- Dr Robert Webb
- Associate Professor Juan Tauri
When: Friday 29 July 2022, 1-2pm
Where: OGGB Case Room 2 (260-057), University of Auckland
Independent research on Samoan and Māori rangatahi experiences youth justice policies in Aotearoa New Zealand is rare. For this reason, in 2016 criminologists from the University of Auckland, Associate Professor Tamasailau Suaalli-Sauni and Dr Robert Webb, along with Dr Juan Tauri (then with the University of Wollongong, now with the Public Policy Institute, University of Auckland) applied for and were successful in gaining a Marsden Grant to research this issue. The focus of the seminar is to report on the key findings from the research, with the session broken into two parts. In part I, Associate Professor Suaalii-Sauni and doctoral candidate Naomi Fuamatu will discuss fieldwork challenges and preliminary themes arising from the Samoan data, while in part II, Associate Professor Tauri and Dr Webb will discuss rangatahi Māori experiences of policing and court-related policies and interventions.
Auckland Trade and Economic Policy School (ATEPS) 2021
Resetting trade rules and norms in the context of Covid19
8-9 December 2021

ATEPS 2020
Advancing Inclusivity and Sustainability through Trade in the 21st Century
Friday 4 - Saturday 5 December 2020

Indoor Bubbles or Garden Gatherings? Envisioning Care, Social Contact, and “New Zealand-Style” Solutions in the UK’s Coronavirus Response
July 2020

Public Policy Forum COVID-19 and the Pacific – Tourism, Trade and Tracing

Gender Impact Analysis Policy Forum: Women workers and COVID-19 in Aotearoa
May 2020

Gender Impact Analysis Policy Forum: Women workers and COVID-19 in Aotearoa

Bigging up society? Politics, policy and evidence in the British voluntary sector

Panel Discussion – Kindness versus Shame: Why emotions matter in politics and policy
Monday 9 March 5.30pm
Featuring: Professor Michael Orsini (University of Ottawa), Chlöe Swarbrick (Green Party MP), Helen Robinson (Auckland City Mission), Mark Powell (University of Auckland)Chaired by Professor Jennifer Curtin (Director of The Public Policy Institute)

Can You Feel It? On the Complex Role of Emotions and Affects in Policy Making
Friday 6 March 12.30pm
Professor Michael Orsini (University of Ottawa)
Podcast with Professor Jennifer Curtin