Alex King

Studying a Music and Global Studies conjoint degree helped Alex connect his passion with his politics.

Alex smiles wearing a pounamu
Alex King

Key Facts:

Iwi: Ngāti Kurī
Undergraduate Programme: Bachelor of Global Studies / Bachelor of Music *
Majors: Global Environment and Sustainable Development / Classical Performance
Instrument: Tuba

*The Bachelor of Global Studies / Bachelor of Music conjoint option is no longer available.

Why Music and Global Studies?

“Growing up, music was always my passion. I saw the Bachelor of Music as a creative avenue ​​to engage with and inspire my community through artistry and musicianship. The degree has given me the opportunity to express myself, empower the lives of others and spark joy in my community.

As a conjoint student, I was able to connect with this passion while also applying my knowledge of my community to the big issues of our increasingly globalised world. I believe music and advocacy go hand-in-hand. Through this conjoint degree I was able to pursue my passions and apply myself to contribute towards a better society.

Alex King

What interested you most about your subjects?

"​​​​I am passionate about the intersection between music and society.​ Music has always been an essential form of political expression in Aotearoa, both as a healing refuge and as a rallying cry. Music’s ability to draw people together and inspire change has made it the ideal vessel for elevating the voices ​of ​disenfranchised peoples. ​My ​two degrees really ​helped me to ​understand ​how music and society overlap​."

Why Waipapa Taumata Rau?

"For me, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland is home. Staying close to family and being able to keep strong ties with my community was a big deciding factor. Through my degree​,​ local networking ​provided me with ​many opportunities."

What did you enjoy about your degree?

“I enjoy​ed​ b​ringing​​ ​my own lived experiences to discussions​, engaging with like​​-​​minded students and sharing knowledge​. I also enjoy​ed​ ​collaborating​ musically with students and teachers and developing my performance confidence.”

Where to next?

“At this stage, my future goals are largely focused on community development. Working in the public sector as a policy analyst or researcher would ​allow me to ​make the most genuine change. Thanks to the networking of the music degree, I have the opportunity to ​continue to freelance ​while concentrating on my public sector career.”

Alex’s final capstone project for Global Studies was selected for the inaugural ‘Nomad’ journal. His 2022 Summer Research Scholarship Project investigated the ethical, political and legal issues regarding the algorithms of streaming platforms​.​

Alex is a 2023 Kupe Leadership Scholar. He is also applying his research skills as a graduate research assistant with Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures.

Learn more about Alex's Kupe Leadership Scholarship.