Joshua Sade-Inia
Joshua enjoys the wide variety of people and ideas he encounters in his Arts study.
Key facts
Iwi: Taranaki and Tainui/Ngāti Maniapoto
Programme: Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws
Major: Politics and International Relations
"Being a student has developed me, and university has been a place where I have discovered who I am and what I wish to take into my future. Being a student is by no means an easy undertaking. However, you learn so much about yourself individually through the experience.
"Being part of the Faculty of Arts has been exceptional in complementing my Law degree and preparing me for my chosen career path. I enjoy the wide variety of people and personalities I have encountered, as well as the many different ideas within it.
"I am passionate about social issues and politics. I enjoy learning more about these subjects and hope to take this learning into my career later on. I also enjoy the wide level of discussion and debate about societies and how they should and do function.
Being a student has developed me, and university has been a place where I have discovered who I am and what I wish to take into my future.
"Ultimately, I am doing something I enjoy and am passionate about. To me that is the most important and rewarding experience about what I am studying. Coming to the 'big smoke' was a way for be to discover myself, meet new people and embrace my inner-city person.
"I would like to practice as a lawyer and later on I plan to enter politics as a Member of Parliament first and then wish to gradually work my way up. I want to make a positive influence in society through my work, and I feel I can offer the most in politics.
"If I could offer one piece of advice, it would be to study what you are passionate about and enjoy. The worst decision you could make is to do something purely motivated by financial gain or reward. If you do something you enjoy and are passionate about, you will gain so much fulfilment in your life."