Meet our Graduate Diploma in Teaching graduates and learn about their fulfilling careers.
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You’ll spend a significant amount of time on placements (practicums) in a range of schools, kura or early childhood centres (depending on your specialisation).
Ngā pātai auau | Frequently asked questions
If you want to become a teacher but don't already have a degree, you'll want to look at our Bachelor of Education.
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An easy overview of the Graduate Diploma in Teaching pathways, plus read some student experiences of the programme.
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Find out if you’re eligible to teach in your area(s) of interest at secondary level.
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Search our database to find a scholarship that is right for you, or browse by scholarship type.
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Get in touch with our dedicated advisers who will be able to assist you with any questions regarding your application and enrolment process.
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Why study teaching
We asked three teachers and graduates of the Graduate Diploma in Teaching programme, why they now love what they do. #DoWhatYouLove