Manisha Rebekah David - Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary)

Manisha David investigated courses all over the world before deciding that the Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) was the best way to transform her passion for mathematics into equipping her to teach it.

“Mathematics has always been my passion. From a very young age I was always interested in teaching my classmates and finding innovative methods to help remember the subject material. I completed a mathematics degree around 10 months prior to arriving in New Zealand from India to start studying.

“When the time came to choose my profession, there was no doubt in my mind that teaching was the way for me. I researched in-depth the educational qualifications offered in universities around the world, including India and my homeland, Sri Lanka. I was interested in the whole package including the work environment in schools and the curriculum. The part that stood out was the practicum experience at schools. The University of Auckland is not just one of the most well-known universities; it also has the best programme for this diploma."

The programme was really supportive and honestly always kept me on my toes.  

Manisha Rebekah David Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary)

“Though I was confident with my mathematics knowledge, I needed guidance in transforming my knowledge to a form that was appropriate for my learners. The programme was really supportive and honestly always kept me on my toes.

“My favourite place on campus was the library. I used to spend countless hours working there. The quiet, tranquil atmosphere helped me escape the buzz of the world outside.

“This course has helped me not just in lesson planning but classroom management as well. The lecture on adolescents was enlightening and helped me understand the confusing years being a teenager.

“As a teacher you get the opportunity to invest in so many lives whether it is academically or in some instances personally. I believe that the task of a teacher is not just to educate students but also to help motivate, mentor and guide.

“Currently, I am employed at Mount Albert Grammar School as a mathematics teacher. I look forward to the challenges that lie in my journey in teaching.”