Meet our students and graduates

Read about life as a student in the Department of Statistics and where our graduates end up.

Portrait of Runzhe at graduation

Applying statistical methods in her career as a biostatistician, Runzhe is excited to join the effort to advance healthcare and improve patient outcomes.

Pānui tonu | Read more
Portrait of Halaevalu Tu'ipulotu

Statistics double major Halaevalu Tu'ipulotu is passionate about empowering others to overcome their fear of asking questions.

Pānui tonu | Read more
Portrait of student writing at a table

Miguel Antonio loves the dynamic nature of working in statistics, as PwC's clients each have different types of data and different data requirements.

Pānui tonu | Read more
Statistics student Henry Chen

Explore undergraduate and postgraduate study in statistics.

Hōparatia | Explore
Pritika Narayan, Statistics

Discover the exciting research happening in the Department of Statistics.

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Late evening motorway lights

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