Our faculty initiatives
The faculty has a range of initiatives and activities related to our equity groups to create opportunities.
Do you have an idea for a working group or initiative that will support inclusivity and diversity in our faculty? Projects can apply for funding between $500 and $2000 by filling in the form below.
- The initiative may focus on students and/or staff, however a member of staff must be responsible.
- We welcome initiatives both narrow in scope (e.g. one particular group in one particular discipline) or more general (e.g. a group across the faculty).
For more information contact: science-equity@auckland.ac.nz
Building 302 Parents Space
The faculty has a clean and private space available for any parents who need somewhere to go to look after their children, whether breastfeeding, expressing milk, nappy changing.
Building 302 Room 203 (second floor)
23 Symonds St
Hours: 7.30am to 6.30pm
Open to students and staff
Facilities include a lockable door, two comfortable chairs with privacy screen, microwave, hand basin, change table, and power points. Toilets are next door.
School of Biological Sciences
There are also facilities at the School of Biological Sciences for students who are parents.
These include breast-feeding facilities, parent spaces and childcare.
Contact the Equity committee to find out about spaces in SBS by emailing sbs.equity@auckland.ac.nz
For more information email science-equity@auckland.ac.nz
Period Poverty Project
We are trialling the period poverty project in some of our faculty bathrooms. We understand that period poverty impacts both staff and students so we welcome you to help yourself to whatever you need.
This is a trial and we would love to receive feedback so we can continue to improve the initiative. Please email your feedback to our confidential email at science-equity@auckland.ac.nz.
Not all bathrooms have the products but we are working to expand this in the future.
Meeting boxes for inclusivity and diversity

The faculty of Science values and supports neurodiversity in the workplace. We are currently trialling a new initiative, providing meeting boxes with resources to engage with our diverse learners. The idea is to encourage inclusivity in how we attend meetings, and create space for positive conversations and questions about neuro-diversity in our workplace.
Other neuro-inclusive resources available to borrow include noise cancelling headphones and quiet keyboards. For more information contact Megan Waters or email science-equity@auckland.ac.nz
The rainbow mat initiative

We seek to increase opportunities for visibility and inclusivity at the Faculty of Science.
We have posters and rainbow floor mats available.
Please contact science-equity@auckland.ac.nz if you are interested in displaying a poster or rainbow mat in your office or work space.