Career planning

Our graduates have inspiring and sometimes surprising careers.

Female marine sciences student sitting on rocks by the water

Work with people and the outdoors

Do you enjoy geography, history, languages or physical education? Find out which University science subjects might suit you.

Tūhuratia | Discover
Image showing a guy doing science experiments

Experiment in a laboratory

Many jobs involve analysing the results of experiments, including biochemist and neuroscientist.

Tūhuratia | Discover
Graduate Nishita Balamuralikrishna

If you’re good at accounting, calculus or statistics, you could become a software developer, business analyst, financial adviser or more.

Tūhuratia | Discover
Lizzy Grant, Physics graduate

Studying science opens up a world of career opportunities. Meet some of our graduates and find out where their degrees took them.

Hōparatia | Explore

Plan and prepare for your future work and life with the help of our range of workshops, events and services.

Hōparatia | Explore
Isabelle Steinman, Mathematics

Our Graduate Profile outlines the capabilities that you will develop through studying for a Bachelor of Science.

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